compile kernel string (input) to PTX
TODO type check, better default option
\brief nvrtcCreateProgram creates an instance of nvrtcProgram with the given input parameters, and sets the output parameter \p prog with it.
\param in src CUDA program source. \param in name CUDA program name.\n \p name can be \c NULL; \c "default_program" is used when \p name is \c NULL.
See Implementation
compile kernel string (input) to PTX
TODO type check, better default option
\brief nvrtcCreateProgram creates an instance of nvrtcProgram with the given input parameters, and sets the output parameter \p prog with it.
\param in src CUDA program source. \param in name CUDA program name.\n \p name can be \c NULL; \c "default_program" is used when \p name is \c NULL.