# Distributed training ESPnet2 provides some kinds of data-parallel distributed training. ||DP/DDP|Single/Multi host|Option| |---|---|---|---| |Multi-processing with single host|DistributedDataParallel|Single|--ngpu `N-GPU` --multiprocessing_distributed true| |Multi-threading with single host|DataParallel|Single|--ngpu `N-GPU` --multiprocessing_distributed false| |Multi-processing with `N-HOST` jobs with `N-GPU` for each host (=`N-HOST`x`N-GPU` nodes)|DistributedDataParallel|Multi|--dist_world_size `N-HOST` --ngpu `N-GPU` --multiprocessing_distributed true| |Multi-threading with `N-HOST` jobs with `N-GPU` for each host (=`N-HOST`x`N-GPU` nodes)|DistributedDataParallel|Multi|--dist_world_size `N-HOST` --ngpu `N-GPU` --multiprocessing_distributed false| |`N-NODE` jobs with `1-GPU` for each node|DistributedDataParallel|Single/Multi|--dist_world_size `N-NODE` --ngpu 1| ## Examples ### Single node with 4GPUs with distributed mode ```bash % python -m espnet2.bin.asr_train --ngpu 4 --multiprocessing_distributed true ``` You can disable distributed mode and switch to threading based data parallel as follows: ```bash % python -m espnet2.bin.asr_train --ngpu 4 --multiprocessing_distributed false ``` If you meet some errors with distributed mode, please try single gpu mode or multi-GPUs with `--multiprocessing_distributed false` before reporting the issue. ### To enable sharded training We supports sharded training provided by [fairscale](https://github.com/facebookresearch/fairscale) ```bash % python -m espnet2.bin.asr_train --ngpu 4 --multiprocessing_distributed true --sharded_ddp true ``` Note that the other features of fairscale are not supported now. ### 2Host and 2GPUs for each host with multiprocessing distributed mode Note that multiprocessing distributed mode assumes the same number of GPUs for each node. ```bash (host1) % python -m espnet2.bin.asr_train \ --multiprocessing_distributed true \ --ngpu 2 \ --dist_rank 0 \ --dist_world_size 2 \ --dist_master_addr host1 \ --dist_master_port (host2) % python -m espnet2.bin.asr_train \ --multiprocessing_distributed true \ --ngpu 2 \ --dist_rank 1 \ --dist_world_size 2 \ --dist_master_addr host1 \ --dist_master_port ``` #### RANK and WORLD_SIZE `--dist_rank` and `--dist_world_size` indicate `RANK` and `WORLD_SIZE` in terms of MPI; i.e., they indicate the id of each processe and the number of processes respectively. They can be also specified by the environment variables `${RANK}` and `${WORLD_SIZE}`. #### About init method See: https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/distributed.html#tcp-initialization There are two ways to initialize and **these methods can be interchanged** in all examples. - TCP initialization ```bash # These three are equivalent: --dist_master_addr --dist_master_port --dist_init_method "tcp://:" export MASTER_ADDR= MASTER_PORT= ``` - Shared file system initialization ```bash --dist_init_method "file:///nfs/some/where/filename" ``` This initialization might be failed if the previous file is existing. I recommend you to use a random file name to avoid to reuse it. e.g. ```bash --dist_init_method "file://$(pwd)/.dist_init_$(openssl rand -base64 12)" ``` ### 2Hosts which have 2GPUs and 1GPU respectively ```bash (host1) % python -m espnet2.bin.asr_train \ --ngpu 1 \ --multiprocessing_distributed false \ --dist_rank 0 \ --dist_world_size 3 \ --dist_master_addr host1 \ --dist_master_port (host1) % python -m espnet2.bin.asr_train \ --ngpu 1 \ --multiprocessing_distributed false \ --dist_rank 1 \ --dist_world_size 3 \ --dist_master_addr host1 \ --dist_master_port (host2) % python -m espnet2.bin.asr_train \ --ngpu 1 \ --multiprocessing_distributed false \ --dist_rank 2 \ --dist_world_size 3 \ --dist_master_addr host1 \ --dist_master_port ``` ### 2Hosts and 2GPUs for each node using `Slurm` with multiprocessing distributed ```bash % srun -c2 -N2 --gres gpu:2 \ python -m espnet2.bin.asr_train --ngpu 2 --multiprocessing_distributed true \ --dist_launcher slurm \ --dist_init_method "file://$(pwd)/.dist_init_$(openssl rand -base64 12)" ``` I recommend shared-file initialization in this case because the host will be determined after submitting the job, therefore we can't tell the free port number before. ### 5GPUs with 3nodes using `Slurm` (Not tested) ```bash % srun -n5 -N3 --gpus-per-task 1 \ python -m espnet2.bin.asr_train --ngpu 1 --multiprocessing_distributed false \ --dist_launcher slurm \ --dist_init_method "file://$(pwd)/.dist_init_$(openssl rand -base64 12)" ``` ### 2Hosts and 2GPUs for each node using `MPI` with multiprocessing distributed ```bash % mpirun -np 2 -host host1,host2 \ python -m espnet2.bin.asr_train --ngpu 2 --multiprocessing_distributed true \ --dist_launcher mpi \ --dist_init_method "file://$(pwd)/.dist_init_$(openssl rand -base64 12)" ``` ## `espnet2.bin.launch` Coming soon... ## Troubleshooting for NCCL with Ethernet case - `NCCL WARN Connect to<51890> failed : No route to host` - Reason: Firewall? - Need to free all ports? - `NCCL INFO Call to connect returned Connection refused, retrying` - Reason: NIC is found, but connection is refused? - Set `NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=` - `NCCL WARN Bootstrap : no socket interface found` - Reason: Any NIC are not found . (Maybe NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME is incorrect) - Set `NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=`. - `NCCL WARN peer mapping resources exhausted` - ??? - https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/970010/cuda-programming-and-performance/cuda-peer-resources-error-when-running-on-more-than-8-k80s-aws-p2-16xlarge-/post/4994583/#4994583 ## The rules of `NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME` See: https://docs.nvidia.com/deeplearning/sdk/nccl-developer-guide/docs/env.html - The default value is `NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=^lo,docker`. - Support two syntax: white list or black list - White list e.g.: `NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=eth,em` - It's enough to specify the prefix only. You don't need to set it as `eth0`. - Blacklist e.g.: `^virbr,lo,docker`. - If multiple network interfaces are found in your environment, the first is selected. - You can check your environment by `ifconfig` for example. https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-list-network-interfaces-names-command/ - Note that `lo` is the first normally, so `lo` must be filtered. My recommended setting for a non-virtual environment - `NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=en,eth,em,bond` - Or, `NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=^lo,docker,virbr,vmnet,vboxnet,wl,ww,ppp` |The prefix of network interface name|Note| |---|---| |lo|Loopback.| |eth|Ethernet. Classically used.| |em|Ethernet. Dell machine?| |en|Ethernet (Used in recent Linux. e.g CentOS7)| |wlan|Wireless| |wl|Wireless LAN (Used in recent Linux)| |ww|Wireless wan (Used in recent Linux)| |ib|IP over IB| |bond|Bonding of multiple ethernets | |virbr|Virtual bridge| |docker,vmnet,vboxnet|Virtual machine| |ppp|Point to point|