Source code for espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.decoder_layer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2019 Shigeki Karita
#  Apache 2.0  (

"""Decoder self-attention layer definition."""

import torch
from torch import nn

from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.layer_norm import LayerNorm

[docs]class DecoderLayer(nn.Module): """Single decoder layer module. Args: size (int): Input dimension. self_attn (torch.nn.Module): Self-attention module instance. `MultiHeadedAttention` instance can be used as the argument. src_attn (torch.nn.Module): Self-attention module instance. `MultiHeadedAttention` instance can be used as the argument. feed_forward (torch.nn.Module): Feed-forward module instance. `PositionwiseFeedForward`, `MultiLayeredConv1d`, or `Conv1dLinear` instance can be used as the argument. dropout_rate (float): Dropout rate. normalize_before (bool): Whether to use layer_norm before the first block. concat_after (bool): Whether to concat attention layer's input and output. if True, additional linear will be applied. i.e. x -> x + linear(concat(x, att(x))) if False, no additional linear will be applied. i.e. x -> x + att(x) """ def __init__( self, size, self_attn, src_attn, feed_forward, dropout_rate, normalize_before=True, concat_after=False, ): """Construct an DecoderLayer object.""" super(DecoderLayer, self).__init__() self.size = size self.self_attn = self_attn self.src_attn = src_attn self.feed_forward = feed_forward self.norm1 = LayerNorm(size) self.norm2 = LayerNorm(size) self.norm3 = LayerNorm(size) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout_rate) self.normalize_before = normalize_before self.concat_after = concat_after if self.concat_after: self.concat_linear1 = nn.Linear(size + size, size) self.concat_linear2 = nn.Linear(size + size, size)
[docs] def forward(self, tgt, tgt_mask, memory, memory_mask, cache=None): """Compute decoded features. Args: tgt (torch.Tensor): Input tensor (#batch, maxlen_out, size). tgt_mask (torch.Tensor): Mask for input tensor (#batch, maxlen_out). memory (torch.Tensor): Encoded memory, float32 (#batch, maxlen_in, size). memory_mask (torch.Tensor): Encoded memory mask (#batch, maxlen_in). cache (List[torch.Tensor]): List of cached tensors. Each tensor shape should be (#batch, maxlen_out - 1, size). Returns: torch.Tensor: Output tensor(#batch, maxlen_out, size). torch.Tensor: Mask for output tensor (#batch, maxlen_out). torch.Tensor: Encoded memory (#batch, maxlen_in, size). torch.Tensor: Encoded memory mask (#batch, maxlen_in). """ residual = tgt if self.normalize_before: tgt = self.norm1(tgt) if cache is None: tgt_q = tgt tgt_q_mask = tgt_mask else: # compute only the last frame query keeping dim: max_time_out -> 1 assert cache.shape == ( tgt.shape[0], tgt.shape[1] - 1, self.size, ), f"{cache.shape} == {(tgt.shape[0], tgt.shape[1] - 1, self.size)}" tgt_q = tgt[:, -1:, :] residual = residual[:, -1:, :] tgt_q_mask = None if tgt_mask is not None: tgt_q_mask = tgt_mask[:, -1:, :] if self.concat_after: tgt_concat = (tgt_q, self.self_attn(tgt_q, tgt, tgt, tgt_q_mask)), dim=-1 ) x = residual + self.concat_linear1(tgt_concat) else: x = residual + self.dropout(self.self_attn(tgt_q, tgt, tgt, tgt_q_mask)) if not self.normalize_before: x = self.norm1(x) residual = x if self.normalize_before: x = self.norm2(x) if self.concat_after: x_concat = (x, self.src_attn(x, memory, memory, memory_mask)), dim=-1 ) x = residual + self.concat_linear2(x_concat) else: x = residual + self.dropout(self.src_attn(x, memory, memory, memory_mask)) if not self.normalize_before: x = self.norm2(x) residual = x if self.normalize_before: x = self.norm3(x) x = residual + self.dropout(self.feed_forward(x)) if not self.normalize_before: x = self.norm3(x) if cache is not None: x =[cache, x], dim=1) return x, tgt_mask, memory, memory_mask