Source code for espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transducer.blocks

"""Set of methods to create custom architecture."""

from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import torch

from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.conformer.convolution import ConvolutionModule
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.conformer.encoder_layer import (
    EncoderLayer as ConformerEncoderLayer,  # noqa: H301

from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import get_activation

from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transducer.conv1d_nets import CausalConv1d
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transducer.conv1d_nets import Conv1d
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transducer.transformer_decoder_layer import (
    TransformerDecoderLayer,  # noqa: H301
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transducer.vgg2l import VGG2L

from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.attention import (
    MultiHeadedAttention,  # noqa: H301
    RelPositionMultiHeadedAttention,  # noqa: H301
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.encoder_layer import EncoderLayer
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.embedding import (
    PositionalEncoding,  # noqa: H301
    ScaledPositionalEncoding,  # noqa: H301
    RelPositionalEncoding,  # noqa: H301
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.positionwise_feed_forward import (
    PositionwiseFeedForward,  # noqa: H301
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.repeat import MultiSequential
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.subsampling import Conv2dSubsampling

[docs]def verify_block_arguments( net_part: str, block: Dict[str, Any], num_block: int, ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Verify block arguments are valid. Args: net_part: Network part, either 'encoder' or 'decoder'. block: Block parameters. num_block: Block ID. Return: block_io: Input and output dimension of the block. """ block_type = block.get("type") if block_type is None: raise ValueError( "Block %d in %s doesn't a type assigned.", (num_block, net_part) ) if block_type == "transformer": arguments = {"d_hidden", "d_ff", "heads"} elif block_type == "conformer": arguments = { "d_hidden", "d_ff", "heads", "macaron_style", "use_conv_mod", } if net_part == "decoder": raise ValueError("Decoder does not support 'conformer'.") if block.get("use_conv_mod", None) is True and "conv_mod_kernel" not in block: raise ValueError( "Block %d: 'use_conv_mod' is True but " " 'conv_mod_kernel' is not specified" % num_block ) elif block_type == "causal-conv1d": arguments = {"idim", "odim", "kernel_size"} if net_part == "encoder": raise ValueError("Encoder does not support 'causal-conv1d'.") elif block_type == "conv1d": arguments = {"idim", "odim", "kernel_size"} if net_part == "decoder": raise ValueError("Decoder does not support 'conv1d.'") else: raise NotImplementedError( "Wrong type. Currently supported: " "causal-conv1d, conformer, conv-nd or transformer." ) if not arguments.issubset(block): raise ValueError( "%s in %s in position %d: Expected block arguments : %s." " See tutorial page for more information." % (block_type, net_part, num_block, arguments) ) if block_type in ("transformer", "conformer"): block_io = (block["d_hidden"], block["d_hidden"]) else: block_io = (block["idim"], block["odim"]) return block_io
[docs]def prepare_input_layer( input_layer_type: str, feats_dim: int, blocks: List[Dict[str, Any]], dropout_rate: float, pos_enc_dropout_rate: float, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Prepare input layer arguments. Args: input_layer_type: Input layer type. feats_dim: Dimension of input features. blocks: Blocks parameters for network part. dropout_rate: Dropout rate for input layer. pos_enc_dropout_rate: Dropout rate for input layer pos. enc. Return: input_block: Input block parameters. """ input_block = {} first_block_type = blocks[0].get("type", None) if first_block_type == "causal-conv1d": input_block["type"] = "c-embed" else: input_block["type"] = input_layer_type input_block["dropout-rate"] = dropout_rate input_block["pos-dropout-rate"] = pos_enc_dropout_rate input_block["idim"] = feats_dim if first_block_type in ("transformer", "conformer"): input_block["odim"] = blocks[0].get("d_hidden", 0) else: input_block["odim"] = blocks[0].get("idim", 0) return input_block
[docs]def prepare_body_model( net_part: str, blocks: List[Dict[str, Any]], ) -> Tuple[int]: """Prepare model body blocks. Args: net_part: Network part, either 'encoder' or 'decoder'. blocks: Blocks parameters for network part. Return: : Network output dimension. """ cmp_io = [ verify_block_arguments(net_part, b, (i + 1)) for i, b in enumerate(blocks) ] if {"transformer", "conformer"} <= {b["type"] for b in blocks}: raise NotImplementedError( net_part + ": transformer and conformer blocks " "can't be used together in the same net part." ) for i in range(1, len(cmp_io)): if cmp_io[(i - 1)][1] != cmp_io[i][0]: raise ValueError( "Output/Input mismatch between blocks %d and %d in %s" % (i, (i + 1), net_part) ) return cmp_io[-1][1]
[docs]def get_pos_enc_and_att_class( net_part: str, pos_enc_type: str, self_attn_type: str ) -> Tuple[ Union[PositionalEncoding, ScaledPositionalEncoding, RelPositionalEncoding], Union[MultiHeadedAttention, RelPositionMultiHeadedAttention], ]: """Get positional encoding and self attention module class. Args: net_part: Network part, either 'encoder' or 'decoder'. pos_enc_type: Positional encoding type. self_attn_type: Self-attention type. Return: pos_enc_class: Positional encoding class. self_attn_class: Self-attention class. """ if pos_enc_type == "abs_pos": pos_enc_class = PositionalEncoding elif pos_enc_type == "scaled_abs_pos": pos_enc_class = ScaledPositionalEncoding elif pos_enc_type == "rel_pos": if net_part == "encoder" and self_attn_type != "rel_self_attn": raise ValueError("'rel_pos' is only compatible with 'rel_self_attn'") pos_enc_class = RelPositionalEncoding else: raise NotImplementedError( "pos_enc_type should be either 'abs_pos', 'scaled_abs_pos' or 'rel_pos'" ) if self_attn_type == "rel_self_attn": self_attn_class = RelPositionMultiHeadedAttention else: self_attn_class = MultiHeadedAttention return pos_enc_class, self_attn_class
[docs]def build_input_layer( block: Dict[str, Any], pos_enc_class: torch.nn.Module, padding_idx: int, ) -> Tuple[Union[Conv2dSubsampling, VGG2L, torch.nn.Sequential], int]: """Build input layer. Args: block: Architecture definition of input layer. pos_enc_class: Positional encoding class. padding_idx: Padding symbol ID for embedding layer (if provided). Returns: : Input layer module. subsampling_factor: Subsampling factor. """ input_type = block["type"] idim = block["idim"] odim = block["odim"] dropout_rate = block["dropout-rate"] pos_dropout_rate = block["pos-dropout-rate"] if pos_enc_class.__name__ == "RelPositionalEncoding": pos_enc_class_subsampling = pos_enc_class(odim, pos_dropout_rate) else: pos_enc_class_subsampling = None if input_type == "linear": return ( torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Linear(idim, odim), torch.nn.LayerNorm(odim), torch.nn.Dropout(dropout_rate), torch.nn.ReLU(), pos_enc_class(odim, pos_dropout_rate), ), 1, ) elif input_type == "conv2d": return Conv2dSubsampling(idim, odim, dropout_rate, pos_enc_class_subsampling), 4 elif input_type == "vgg2l": return VGG2L(idim, odim, pos_enc_class_subsampling), 4 elif input_type == "embed": return ( torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Embedding(idim, odim, padding_idx=padding_idx), pos_enc_class(odim, pos_dropout_rate), ), 1, ) elif input_type == "c-embed": return ( torch.nn.Sequential( torch.nn.Embedding(idim, odim, padding_idx=padding_idx), torch.nn.Dropout(dropout_rate), ), 1, ) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Invalid input layer: %s. Supported: linear, conv2d, vgg2l and embed" % input_type )
[docs]def build_transformer_block( net_part: str, block: Dict[str, Any], pw_layer_type: str, pw_activation_type: str, ) -> Union[EncoderLayer, TransformerDecoderLayer]: """Build function for transformer block. Args: net_part: Network part, either 'encoder' or 'decoder'. block: Transformer block parameters. pw_layer_type: Positionwise layer type. pw_activation_type: Positionwise activation type. Returns: : Function to create transformer (encoder or decoder) block. """ d_hidden = block["d_hidden"] dropout_rate = block.get("dropout-rate", 0.0) pos_dropout_rate = block.get("pos-dropout-rate", 0.0) att_dropout_rate = block.get("att-dropout-rate", 0.0) if pw_layer_type != "linear": raise NotImplementedError( "Transformer block only supports linear pointwise layer." ) if net_part == "encoder": transformer_layer_class = EncoderLayer elif net_part == "decoder": transformer_layer_class = TransformerDecoderLayer return lambda: transformer_layer_class( d_hidden, MultiHeadedAttention(block["heads"], d_hidden, att_dropout_rate), PositionwiseFeedForward( d_hidden, block["d_ff"], pos_dropout_rate, get_activation(pw_activation_type), ), dropout_rate, )
[docs]def build_conformer_block( block: Dict[str, Any], self_attn_class: str, pw_layer_type: str, pw_activation_type: str, conv_mod_activation_type: str, ) -> ConformerEncoderLayer: """Build function for conformer block. Args: block: Conformer block parameters. self_attn_type: Self-attention module type. pw_layer_type: Positionwise layer type. pw_activation_type: Positionwise activation type. conv_mod_activation_type: Convolutional module activation type. Returns: : Function to create conformer (encoder) block. """ d_hidden = block["d_hidden"] d_ff = block["d_ff"] dropout_rate = block.get("dropout-rate", 0.0) pos_dropout_rate = block.get("pos-dropout-rate", 0.0) att_dropout_rate = block.get("att-dropout-rate", 0.0) macaron_style = block["macaron_style"] use_conv_mod = block["use_conv_mod"] if pw_layer_type == "linear": pw_layer = PositionwiseFeedForward pw_layer_args = ( d_hidden, d_ff, pos_dropout_rate, get_activation(pw_activation_type), ) else: raise NotImplementedError("Conformer block only supports linear yet.") if macaron_style: macaron_net = PositionwiseFeedForward macaron_net_args = ( d_hidden, d_ff, pos_dropout_rate, get_activation(pw_activation_type), ) if use_conv_mod: conv_mod = ConvolutionModule conv_mod_args = ( d_hidden, block["conv_mod_kernel"], get_activation(conv_mod_activation_type), ) return lambda: ConformerEncoderLayer( d_hidden, self_attn_class(block["heads"], d_hidden, att_dropout_rate), pw_layer(*pw_layer_args), macaron_net(*macaron_net_args) if macaron_style else None, conv_mod(*conv_mod_args) if use_conv_mod else None, dropout_rate, )
[docs]def build_conv1d_block(block: Dict[str, Any], block_type: str) -> CausalConv1d: """Build function for causal conv1d block. Args: block: CausalConv1d or Conv1D block parameters. Returns: : Function to create conv1d (encoder) or causal conv1d (decoder) block. """ if block_type == "conv1d": conv_class = Conv1d else: conv_class = CausalConv1d stride = block.get("stride", 1) dilation = block.get("dilation", 1) groups = block.get("groups", 1) bias = block.get("bias", True) use_batch_norm = block.get("use-batch-norm", False) use_relu = block.get("use-relu", False) dropout_rate = block.get("dropout-rate", 0.0) return lambda: conv_class( block["idim"], block["odim"], block["kernel_size"], stride=stride, dilation=dilation, groups=groups, bias=bias, relu=use_relu, batch_norm=use_batch_norm, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, )
[docs]def build_blocks( net_part: str, idim: int, input_layer_type: str, blocks: List[Dict[str, Any]], repeat_block: int = 0, self_attn_type: str = "self_attn", positional_encoding_type: str = "abs_pos", positionwise_layer_type: str = "linear", positionwise_activation_type: str = "relu", conv_mod_activation_type: str = "relu", input_layer_dropout_rate: float = 0.0, input_layer_pos_enc_dropout_rate: float = 0.0, padding_idx: int = -1, ) -> Tuple[ Union[Conv2dSubsampling, VGG2L, torch.nn.Sequential], MultiSequential, int, int ]: """Build custom model blocks. Args: net_part: Network part, either 'encoder' or 'decoder'. idim: Input dimension. input_layer: Input layer type. blocks: Blocks parameters for network part. repeat_block: Number of times provided blocks are repeated. positional_encoding_type: Positional encoding layer type. positionwise_layer_type: Positionwise layer type. positionwise_activation_type: Positionwise activation type. conv_mod_activation_type: Convolutional module activation type. input_layer_dropout_rate: Dropout rate for input layer. input_layer_pos_enc_dropout_rate: Dropout rate for input layer pos. enc. padding_idx: Padding symbol ID for embedding layer. Returns: in_layer: Input layer all_blocks: Encoder/Decoder network. out_dim: Network output dimension. conv_subsampling_factor: Subsampling factor in frontend CNN. """ fn_modules = [] pos_enc_class, self_attn_class = get_pos_enc_and_att_class( net_part, positional_encoding_type, self_attn_type ) input_block = prepare_input_layer( input_layer_type, idim, blocks, input_layer_dropout_rate, input_layer_pos_enc_dropout_rate, ) out_dim = prepare_body_model(net_part, blocks) input_layer, conv_subsampling_factor = build_input_layer( input_block, pos_enc_class, padding_idx, ) for i in range(len(blocks)): block_type = blocks[i]["type"] if block_type in ("causal-conv1d", "conv1d"): module = build_conv1d_block(blocks[i], block_type) elif block_type == "conformer": module = build_conformer_block( blocks[i], self_attn_class, positionwise_layer_type, positionwise_activation_type, conv_mod_activation_type, ) elif block_type == "transformer": module = build_transformer_block( net_part, blocks[i], positionwise_layer_type, positionwise_activation_type, ) fn_modules.append(module) if repeat_block > 1: fn_modules = fn_modules * repeat_block return ( input_layer, MultiSequential(*[fn() for fn in fn_modules]), out_dim, conv_subsampling_factor, )