Source code for espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.rnn.decoders

"""RNN decoder module."""
import logging
import math
import random
import six

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from argparse import Namespace

from espnet.nets.ctc_prefix_score import CTCPrefixScore
from espnet.nets.ctc_prefix_score import CTCPrefixScoreTH
from espnet.nets.e2e_asr_common import end_detect

from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.rnn.attentions import att_to_numpy

from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import mask_by_length
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import pad_list
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import th_accuracy
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import to_device
from espnet.nets.scorer_interface import ScorerInterface


[docs]class Decoder(torch.nn.Module, ScorerInterface): """Decoder module :param int eprojs: encoder projection units :param int odim: dimension of outputs :param str dtype: gru or lstm :param int dlayers: decoder layers :param int dunits: decoder units :param int sos: start of sequence symbol id :param int eos: end of sequence symbol id :param torch.nn.Module att: attention module :param int verbose: verbose level :param list char_list: list of character strings :param ndarray labeldist: distribution of label smoothing :param float lsm_weight: label smoothing weight :param float sampling_probability: scheduled sampling probability :param float dropout: dropout rate :param float context_residual: if True, use context vector for token generation :param float replace_sos: use for multilingual (speech/text) translation """ def __init__( self, eprojs, odim, dtype, dlayers, dunits, sos, eos, att, verbose=0, char_list=None, labeldist=None, lsm_weight=0.0, sampling_probability=0.0, dropout=0.0, context_residual=False, replace_sos=False, num_encs=1, ): torch.nn.Module.__init__(self) self.dtype = dtype self.dunits = dunits self.dlayers = dlayers self.context_residual = context_residual self.embed = torch.nn.Embedding(odim, dunits) self.dropout_emb = torch.nn.Dropout(p=dropout) self.decoder = torch.nn.ModuleList() self.dropout_dec = torch.nn.ModuleList() self.decoder += [ torch.nn.LSTMCell(dunits + eprojs, dunits) if self.dtype == "lstm" else torch.nn.GRUCell(dunits + eprojs, dunits) ] self.dropout_dec += [torch.nn.Dropout(p=dropout)] for _ in six.moves.range(1, self.dlayers): self.decoder += [ torch.nn.LSTMCell(dunits, dunits) if self.dtype == "lstm" else torch.nn.GRUCell(dunits, dunits) ] self.dropout_dec += [torch.nn.Dropout(p=dropout)] # NOTE: dropout is applied only for the vertical connections # see self.ignore_id = -1 if context_residual: self.output = torch.nn.Linear(dunits + eprojs, odim) else: self.output = torch.nn.Linear(dunits, odim) self.loss = None self.att = att self.dunits = dunits self.sos = sos self.eos = eos self.odim = odim self.verbose = verbose self.char_list = char_list # for label smoothing self.labeldist = labeldist self.vlabeldist = None self.lsm_weight = lsm_weight self.sampling_probability = sampling_probability self.dropout = dropout self.num_encs = num_encs # for multilingual E2E-ST self.replace_sos = replace_sos self.logzero = -10000000000.0
[docs] def zero_state(self, hs_pad): return hs_pad.new_zeros(hs_pad.size(0), self.dunits)
[docs] def rnn_forward(self, ey, z_list, c_list, z_prev, c_prev): if self.dtype == "lstm": z_list[0], c_list[0] = self.decoder[0](ey, (z_prev[0], c_prev[0])) for i in six.moves.range(1, self.dlayers): z_list[i], c_list[i] = self.decoder[i]( self.dropout_dec[i - 1](z_list[i - 1]), (z_prev[i], c_prev[i]) ) else: z_list[0] = self.decoder[0](ey, z_prev[0]) for i in six.moves.range(1, self.dlayers): z_list[i] = self.decoder[i]( self.dropout_dec[i - 1](z_list[i - 1]), z_prev[i] ) return z_list, c_list
[docs] def forward(self, hs_pad, hlens, ys_pad, strm_idx=0, lang_ids=None): """Decoder forward :param torch.Tensor hs_pad: batch of padded hidden state sequences (B, Tmax, D) [in multi-encoder case, list of torch.Tensor, [(B, Tmax_1, D), (B, Tmax_2, D), ..., ] ] :param torch.Tensor hlens: batch of lengths of hidden state sequences (B) [in multi-encoder case, list of torch.Tensor, [(B), (B), ..., ] :param torch.Tensor ys_pad: batch of padded character id sequence tensor (B, Lmax) :param int strm_idx: stream index indicates the index of decoding stream. :param torch.Tensor lang_ids: batch of target language id tensor (B, 1) :return: attention loss value :rtype: torch.Tensor :return: accuracy :rtype: float """ # to support mutiple encoder asr mode, in single encoder mode, # convert torch.Tensor to List of torch.Tensor if self.num_encs == 1: hs_pad = [hs_pad] hlens = [hlens] # TODO(kan-bayashi): need to make more smart way ys = [y[y != self.ignore_id] for y in ys_pad] # parse padded ys # attention index for the attention module # in SPA (speaker parallel attention), # att_idx is used to select attention module. In other cases, it is 0. att_idx = min(strm_idx, len(self.att) - 1) # hlens should be list of list of integer hlens = [list(map(int, hlens[idx])) for idx in range(self.num_encs)] self.loss = None # prepare input and output word sequences with sos/eos IDs eos = ys[0].new([self.eos]) sos = ys[0].new([self.sos]) if self.replace_sos: ys_in = [[idx, y], dim=0) for idx, y in zip(lang_ids, ys)] else: ys_in = [[sos, y], dim=0) for y in ys] ys_out = [[y, eos], dim=0) for y in ys] # padding for ys with -1 # pys: utt x olen ys_in_pad = pad_list(ys_in, self.eos) ys_out_pad = pad_list(ys_out, self.ignore_id) # get dim, length info batch = ys_out_pad.size(0) olength = ys_out_pad.size(1) for idx in range(self.num_encs): self.__class__.__name__ + "Number of Encoder:{}; enc{}: input lengths: {}.".format( self.num_encs, idx + 1, hlens[idx] ) ) self.__class__.__name__ + " output lengths: " + str([y.size(0) for y in ys_out]) ) # initialization c_list = [self.zero_state(hs_pad[0])] z_list = [self.zero_state(hs_pad[0])] for _ in six.moves.range(1, self.dlayers): c_list.append(self.zero_state(hs_pad[0])) z_list.append(self.zero_state(hs_pad[0])) z_all = [] if self.num_encs == 1: att_w = None self.att[att_idx].reset() # reset pre-computation of h else: att_w_list = [None] * (self.num_encs + 1) # atts + han att_c_list = [None] * (self.num_encs) # atts for idx in range(self.num_encs + 1): self.att[idx].reset() # reset pre-computation of h in atts and han # pre-computation of embedding eys = self.dropout_emb(self.embed(ys_in_pad)) # utt x olen x zdim # loop for an output sequence for i in six.moves.range(olength): if self.num_encs == 1: att_c, att_w = self.att[att_idx]( hs_pad[0], hlens[0], self.dropout_dec[0](z_list[0]), att_w ) else: for idx in range(self.num_encs): att_c_list[idx], att_w_list[idx] = self.att[idx]( hs_pad[idx], hlens[idx], self.dropout_dec[0](z_list[0]), att_w_list[idx], ) hs_pad_han = torch.stack(att_c_list, dim=1) hlens_han = [self.num_encs] * len(ys_in) att_c, att_w_list[self.num_encs] = self.att[self.num_encs]( hs_pad_han, hlens_han, self.dropout_dec[0](z_list[0]), att_w_list[self.num_encs], ) if i > 0 and random.random() < self.sampling_probability:" scheduled sampling ") z_out = self.output(z_all[-1]) z_out = np.argmax(z_out.detach().cpu(), axis=1) z_out = self.dropout_emb(self.embed(to_device(hs_pad[0], z_out))) ey =, att_c), dim=1) # utt x (zdim + hdim) else: ey =[:, i, :], att_c), dim=1) # utt x (zdim + hdim) z_list, c_list = self.rnn_forward(ey, z_list, c_list, z_list, c_list) if self.context_residual: z_all.append([-1](z_list[-1]), att_c), dim=-1) ) # utt x (zdim + hdim) else: z_all.append(self.dropout_dec[-1](z_list[-1])) # utt x (zdim) z_all = torch.stack(z_all, dim=1).view(batch * olength, -1) # compute loss y_all = self.output(z_all) self.loss = F.cross_entropy( y_all, ys_out_pad.view(-1), ignore_index=self.ignore_id, reduction="mean", ) # compute perplexity ppl = math.exp(self.loss.item()) # -1: eos, which is removed in the loss computation self.loss *= np.mean([len(x) for x in ys_in]) - 1 acc = th_accuracy(y_all, ys_out_pad, ignore_label=self.ignore_id)"att loss:" + "".join(str(self.loss.item()).split("\n"))) # show predicted character sequence for debug if self.verbose > 0 and self.char_list is not None: ys_hat = y_all.view(batch, olength, -1) ys_true = ys_out_pad for (i, y_hat), y_true in zip( enumerate(ys_hat.detach().cpu().numpy()), ys_true.detach().cpu().numpy() ): if i == MAX_DECODER_OUTPUT: break idx_hat = np.argmax(y_hat[y_true != self.ignore_id], axis=1) idx_true = y_true[y_true != self.ignore_id] seq_hat = [self.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in idx_hat] seq_true = [self.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in idx_true] seq_hat = "".join(seq_hat) seq_true = "".join(seq_true)"groundtruth[%d]: " % i + seq_true)"prediction [%d]: " % i + seq_hat) if self.labeldist is not None: if self.vlabeldist is None: self.vlabeldist = to_device(hs_pad[0], torch.from_numpy(self.labeldist)) loss_reg = -torch.sum( (F.log_softmax(y_all, dim=1) * self.vlabeldist).view(-1), dim=0 ) / len(ys_in) self.loss = (1.0 - self.lsm_weight) * self.loss + self.lsm_weight * loss_reg return self.loss, acc, ppl
[docs] def recognize_beam(self, h, lpz, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm=None, strm_idx=0): """beam search implementation :param torch.Tensor h: encoder hidden state (T, eprojs) [in multi-encoder case, list of torch.Tensor, [(T1, eprojs), (T2, eprojs), ...] ] :param torch.Tensor lpz: ctc log softmax output (T, odim) [in multi-encoder case, list of torch.Tensor, [(T1, odim), (T2, odim), ...] ] :param Namespace recog_args: argument Namespace containing options :param char_list: list of character strings :param torch.nn.Module rnnlm: language module :param int strm_idx: stream index for speaker parallel attention in multi-speaker case :return: N-best decoding results :rtype: list of dicts """ # to support mutiple encoder asr mode, in single encoder mode, # convert torch.Tensor to List of torch.Tensor if self.num_encs == 1: h = [h] lpz = [lpz] if self.num_encs > 1 and lpz is None: lpz = [lpz] * self.num_encs for idx in range(self.num_encs): "Number of Encoder:{}; enc{}: input lengths: {}.".format( self.num_encs, idx + 1, h[0].size(0) ) ) att_idx = min(strm_idx, len(self.att) - 1) # initialization c_list = [self.zero_state(h[0].unsqueeze(0))] z_list = [self.zero_state(h[0].unsqueeze(0))] for _ in six.moves.range(1, self.dlayers): c_list.append(self.zero_state(h[0].unsqueeze(0))) z_list.append(self.zero_state(h[0].unsqueeze(0))) if self.num_encs == 1: a = None self.att[att_idx].reset() # reset pre-computation of h else: a = [None] * (self.num_encs + 1) # atts + han att_w_list = [None] * (self.num_encs + 1) # atts + han att_c_list = [None] * (self.num_encs) # atts for idx in range(self.num_encs + 1): self.att[idx].reset() # reset pre-computation of h in atts and han # search parms beam = recog_args.beam_size penalty = recog_args.penalty ctc_weight = getattr(recog_args, "ctc_weight", False) # for NMT if lpz[0] is not None and self.num_encs > 1: # weights-ctc, # e.g. ctc_loss = w_1*ctc_1_loss + w_2 * ctc_2_loss + w_N * ctc_N_loss weights_ctc_dec = recog_args.weights_ctc_dec / np.sum( recog_args.weights_ctc_dec ) # normalize "ctc weights (decoding): " + " ".join([str(x) for x in weights_ctc_dec]) ) else: weights_ctc_dec = [1.0] # preprate sos if self.replace_sos and recog_args.tgt_lang: y = char_list.index(recog_args.tgt_lang) else: y = self.sos"<sos> index: " + str(y))"<sos> mark: " + char_list[y]) vy = h[0].new_zeros(1).long() maxlen = np.amin([h[idx].size(0) for idx in range(self.num_encs)]) if recog_args.maxlenratio != 0: # maxlen >= 1 maxlen = max(1, int(recog_args.maxlenratio * maxlen)) minlen = int(recog_args.minlenratio * maxlen)"max output length: " + str(maxlen))"min output length: " + str(minlen)) # initialize hypothesis if rnnlm: hyp = { "score": 0.0, "yseq": [y], "c_prev": c_list, "z_prev": z_list, "a_prev": a, "rnnlm_prev": None, } else: hyp = { "score": 0.0, "yseq": [y], "c_prev": c_list, "z_prev": z_list, "a_prev": a, } if lpz[0] is not None: ctc_prefix_score = [ CTCPrefixScore(lpz[idx].detach().numpy(), 0, self.eos, np) for idx in range(self.num_encs) ] hyp["ctc_state_prev"] = [ ctc_prefix_score[idx].initial_state() for idx in range(self.num_encs) ] hyp["ctc_score_prev"] = [0.0] * self.num_encs if ctc_weight != 1.0: # pre-pruning based on attention scores ctc_beam = min(lpz[0].shape[-1], int(beam * CTC_SCORING_RATIO)) else: ctc_beam = lpz[0].shape[-1] hyps = [hyp] ended_hyps = [] for i in six.moves.range(maxlen): logging.debug("position " + str(i)) hyps_best_kept = [] for hyp in hyps: vy[0] = hyp["yseq"][i] ey = self.dropout_emb(self.embed(vy)) # utt list (1) x zdim if self.num_encs == 1: att_c, att_w = self.att[att_idx]( h[0].unsqueeze(0), [h[0].size(0)], self.dropout_dec[0](hyp["z_prev"][0]), hyp["a_prev"], ) else: for idx in range(self.num_encs): att_c_list[idx], att_w_list[idx] = self.att[idx]( h[idx].unsqueeze(0), [h[idx].size(0)], self.dropout_dec[0](hyp["z_prev"][0]), hyp["a_prev"][idx], ) h_han = torch.stack(att_c_list, dim=1) att_c, att_w_list[self.num_encs] = self.att[self.num_encs]( h_han, [self.num_encs], self.dropout_dec[0](hyp["z_prev"][0]), hyp["a_prev"][self.num_encs], ) ey =, att_c), dim=1) # utt(1) x (zdim + hdim) z_list, c_list = self.rnn_forward( ey, z_list, c_list, hyp["z_prev"], hyp["c_prev"] ) # get nbest local scores and their ids if self.context_residual: logits = self.output([-1](z_list[-1]), att_c), dim=-1) ) else: logits = self.output(self.dropout_dec[-1](z_list[-1])) local_att_scores = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=1) if rnnlm: rnnlm_state, local_lm_scores = rnnlm.predict(hyp["rnnlm_prev"], vy) local_scores = ( local_att_scores + recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores ) else: local_scores = local_att_scores if lpz[0] is not None: local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk( local_att_scores, ctc_beam, dim=1 ) ctc_scores, ctc_states = ( [None] * self.num_encs, [None] * self.num_encs, ) for idx in range(self.num_encs): ctc_scores[idx], ctc_states[idx] = ctc_prefix_score[idx]( hyp["yseq"], local_best_ids[0], hyp["ctc_state_prev"][idx] ) local_scores = (1.0 - ctc_weight) * local_att_scores[ :, local_best_ids[0] ] if self.num_encs == 1: local_scores += ctc_weight * torch.from_numpy( ctc_scores[0] - hyp["ctc_score_prev"][0] ) else: for idx in range(self.num_encs): local_scores += ( ctc_weight * weights_ctc_dec[idx] * torch.from_numpy( ctc_scores[idx] - hyp["ctc_score_prev"][idx] ) ) if rnnlm: local_scores += ( recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores[:, local_best_ids[0]] ) local_best_scores, joint_best_ids = torch.topk( local_scores, beam, dim=1 ) local_best_ids = local_best_ids[:, joint_best_ids[0]] else: local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk( local_scores, beam, dim=1 ) for j in six.moves.range(beam): new_hyp = {} # [:] is needed! new_hyp["z_prev"] = z_list[:] new_hyp["c_prev"] = c_list[:] if self.num_encs == 1: new_hyp["a_prev"] = att_w[:] else: new_hyp["a_prev"] = [ att_w_list[idx][:] for idx in range(self.num_encs + 1) ] new_hyp["score"] = hyp["score"] + local_best_scores[0, j] new_hyp["yseq"] = [0] * (1 + len(hyp["yseq"])) new_hyp["yseq"][: len(hyp["yseq"])] = hyp["yseq"] new_hyp["yseq"][len(hyp["yseq"])] = int(local_best_ids[0, j]) if rnnlm: new_hyp["rnnlm_prev"] = rnnlm_state if lpz[0] is not None: new_hyp["ctc_state_prev"] = [ ctc_states[idx][joint_best_ids[0, j]] for idx in range(self.num_encs) ] new_hyp["ctc_score_prev"] = [ ctc_scores[idx][joint_best_ids[0, j]] for idx in range(self.num_encs) ] # will be (2 x beam) hyps at most hyps_best_kept.append(new_hyp) hyps_best_kept = sorted( hyps_best_kept, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True )[:beam] # sort and get nbest hyps = hyps_best_kept logging.debug("number of pruned hypotheses: " + str(len(hyps))) logging.debug( "best hypo: " + "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyps[0]["yseq"][1:]]) ) # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps if i == maxlen - 1:"adding <eos> in the last position in the loop") for hyp in hyps: hyp["yseq"].append(self.eos) # add ended hypotheses to a final list, # and removed them from current hypotheses # (this will be a problem, number of hyps < beam) remained_hyps = [] for hyp in hyps: if hyp["yseq"][-1] == self.eos: # only store the sequence that has more than minlen outputs # also add penalty if len(hyp["yseq"]) > minlen: hyp["score"] += (i + 1) * penalty if rnnlm: # Word LM needs to add final <eos> score hyp["score"] += recog_args.lm_weight * hyp["rnnlm_prev"] ) ended_hyps.append(hyp) else: remained_hyps.append(hyp) # end detection if end_detect(ended_hyps, i) and recog_args.maxlenratio == 0.0:"end detected at %d", i) break hyps = remained_hyps if len(hyps) > 0: logging.debug("remaining hypotheses: " + str(len(hyps))) else:"no hypothesis. Finish decoding.") break for hyp in hyps: logging.debug( "hypo: " + "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyp["yseq"][1:]]) ) logging.debug("number of ended hypotheses: " + str(len(ended_hyps))) nbest_hyps = sorted(ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True)[ : min(len(ended_hyps), recog_args.nbest) ] # check number of hypotheses if len(nbest_hyps) == 0: logging.warning( "there is no N-best results, " "perform recognition again with smaller minlenratio." ) # should copy because Namespace will be overwritten globally recog_args = Namespace(**vars(recog_args)) recog_args.minlenratio = max(0.0, recog_args.minlenratio - 0.1) if self.num_encs == 1: return self.recognize_beam(h[0], lpz[0], recog_args, char_list, rnnlm) else: return self.recognize_beam(h, lpz, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm)"total log probability: " + str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"])) "normalized log probability: " + str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"] / len(nbest_hyps[0]["yseq"])) ) # remove sos return nbest_hyps
[docs] def recognize_beam_batch( self, h, hlens, lpz, recog_args, char_list, rnnlm=None, normalize_score=True, strm_idx=0, lang_ids=None, ): # to support mutiple encoder asr mode, in single encoder mode, # convert torch.Tensor to List of torch.Tensor if self.num_encs == 1: h = [h] hlens = [hlens] lpz = [lpz] if self.num_encs > 1 and lpz is None: lpz = [lpz] * self.num_encs att_idx = min(strm_idx, len(self.att) - 1) for idx in range(self.num_encs): "Number of Encoder:{}; enc{}: input lengths: {}.".format( self.num_encs, idx + 1, h[idx].size(1) ) ) h[idx] = mask_by_length(h[idx], hlens[idx], 0.0) # search params batch = len(hlens[0]) beam = recog_args.beam_size penalty = recog_args.penalty ctc_weight = getattr(recog_args, "ctc_weight", 0) # for NMT att_weight = 1.0 - ctc_weight ctc_margin = getattr( recog_args, "ctc_window_margin", 0 ) # use getattr to keep compatibility # weights-ctc, # e.g. ctc_loss = w_1*ctc_1_loss + w_2 * ctc_2_loss + w_N * ctc_N_loss if lpz[0] is not None and self.num_encs > 1: weights_ctc_dec = recog_args.weights_ctc_dec / np.sum( recog_args.weights_ctc_dec ) # normalize "ctc weights (decoding): " + " ".join([str(x) for x in weights_ctc_dec]) ) else: weights_ctc_dec = [1.0] n_bb = batch * beam pad_b = to_device(h[0], torch.arange(batch) * beam).view(-1, 1) max_hlen = np.amin([max(hlens[idx]) for idx in range(self.num_encs)]) if recog_args.maxlenratio == 0: maxlen = max_hlen else: maxlen = max(1, int(recog_args.maxlenratio * max_hlen)) minlen = int(recog_args.minlenratio * max_hlen)"max output length: " + str(maxlen))"min output length: " + str(minlen)) # initialization c_prev = [ to_device(h[0], torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits)) for _ in range(self.dlayers) ] z_prev = [ to_device(h[0], torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits)) for _ in range(self.dlayers) ] c_list = [ to_device(h[0], torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits)) for _ in range(self.dlayers) ] z_list = [ to_device(h[0], torch.zeros(n_bb, self.dunits)) for _ in range(self.dlayers) ] vscores = to_device(h[0], torch.zeros(batch, beam)) rnnlm_state = None if self.num_encs == 1: a_prev = [None] att_w_list, ctc_scorer, ctc_state = [None], [None], [None] self.att[att_idx].reset() # reset pre-computation of h else: a_prev = [None] * (self.num_encs + 1) # atts + han att_w_list = [None] * (self.num_encs + 1) # atts + han att_c_list = [None] * (self.num_encs) # atts ctc_scorer, ctc_state = [None] * (self.num_encs), [None] * (self.num_encs) for idx in range(self.num_encs + 1): self.att[idx].reset() # reset pre-computation of h in atts and han if self.replace_sos and recog_args.tgt_lang:"<sos> index: " + str(char_list.index(recog_args.tgt_lang)))"<sos> mark: " + recog_args.tgt_lang) yseq = [ [char_list.index(recog_args.tgt_lang)] for _ in six.moves.range(n_bb) ] elif lang_ids is not None: # NOTE: used for evaluation during training yseq = [ [lang_ids[b // recog_args.beam_size]] for b in six.moves.range(n_bb) ] else:"<sos> index: " + str(self.sos))"<sos> mark: " + char_list[self.sos]) yseq = [[self.sos] for _ in six.moves.range(n_bb)] accum_odim_ids = [self.sos for _ in six.moves.range(n_bb)] stop_search = [False for _ in six.moves.range(batch)] nbest_hyps = [[] for _ in six.moves.range(batch)] ended_hyps = [[] for _ in range(batch)] exp_hlens = [ hlens[idx].repeat(beam).view(beam, batch).transpose(0, 1).contiguous() for idx in range(self.num_encs) ] exp_hlens = [exp_hlens[idx].view(-1).tolist() for idx in range(self.num_encs)] exp_h = [ h[idx].unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, beam, 1, 1).contiguous() for idx in range(self.num_encs) ] exp_h = [ exp_h[idx].view(n_bb, h[idx].size()[1], h[idx].size()[2]) for idx in range(self.num_encs) ] if lpz[0] is not None: scoring_num = min( int(beam * CTC_SCORING_RATIO) if att_weight > 0.0 and not lpz[0].is_cuda else 0, lpz[0].size(-1), ) ctc_scorer = [ CTCPrefixScoreTH( lpz[idx], hlens[idx], 0, self.eos, margin=ctc_margin, ) for idx in range(self.num_encs) ] for i in six.moves.range(maxlen): logging.debug("position " + str(i)) vy = to_device(h[0], torch.LongTensor(self._get_last_yseq(yseq))) ey = self.dropout_emb(self.embed(vy)) if self.num_encs == 1: att_c, att_w = self.att[att_idx]( exp_h[0], exp_hlens[0], self.dropout_dec[0](z_prev[0]), a_prev[0] ) att_w_list = [att_w] else: for idx in range(self.num_encs): att_c_list[idx], att_w_list[idx] = self.att[idx]( exp_h[idx], exp_hlens[idx], self.dropout_dec[0](z_prev[0]), a_prev[idx], ) exp_h_han = torch.stack(att_c_list, dim=1) att_c, att_w_list[self.num_encs] = self.att[self.num_encs]( exp_h_han, [self.num_encs] * n_bb, self.dropout_dec[0](z_prev[0]), a_prev[self.num_encs], ) ey =, att_c), dim=1) # attention decoder z_list, c_list = self.rnn_forward(ey, z_list, c_list, z_prev, c_prev) if self.context_residual: logits = self.output([-1](z_list[-1]), att_c), dim=-1) ) else: logits = self.output(self.dropout_dec[-1](z_list[-1])) local_scores = att_weight * F.log_softmax(logits, dim=1) # rnnlm if rnnlm: rnnlm_state, local_lm_scores = rnnlm.buff_predict(rnnlm_state, vy, n_bb) local_scores = local_scores + recog_args.lm_weight * local_lm_scores # ctc if ctc_scorer[0]: local_scores[:, 0] = self.logzero # avoid choosing blank part_ids = ( torch.topk(local_scores, scoring_num, dim=-1)[1] if scoring_num > 0 else None ) for idx in range(self.num_encs): att_w = att_w_list[idx] att_w_ = att_w if isinstance(att_w, torch.Tensor) else att_w[0] local_ctc_scores, ctc_state[idx] = ctc_scorer[idx]( yseq, ctc_state[idx], part_ids, att_w_ ) local_scores = ( local_scores + ctc_weight * weights_ctc_dec[idx] * local_ctc_scores ) local_scores = local_scores.view(batch, beam, self.odim) if i == 0: local_scores[:, 1:, :] = self.logzero # accumulate scores eos_vscores = local_scores[:, :, self.eos] + vscores vscores = vscores.view(batch, beam, 1).repeat(1, 1, self.odim) vscores[:, :, self.eos] = self.logzero vscores = (vscores + local_scores).view(batch, -1) # global pruning accum_best_scores, accum_best_ids = torch.topk(vscores, beam, 1) accum_odim_ids = ( torch.fmod(accum_best_ids, self.odim).view(-1).data.cpu().tolist() ) accum_padded_beam_ids = ( (accum_best_ids // self.odim + pad_b).view(-1).data.cpu().tolist() ) y_prev = yseq[:][:] yseq = self._index_select_list(yseq, accum_padded_beam_ids) yseq = self._append_ids(yseq, accum_odim_ids) vscores = accum_best_scores vidx = to_device(h[0], torch.LongTensor(accum_padded_beam_ids)) a_prev = [] num_atts = self.num_encs if self.num_encs == 1 else self.num_encs + 1 for idx in range(num_atts): if isinstance(att_w_list[idx], torch.Tensor): _a_prev = torch.index_select( att_w_list[idx].view(n_bb, *att_w_list[idx].shape[1:]), 0, vidx ) elif isinstance(att_w_list[idx], list): # handle the case of multi-head attention _a_prev = [ torch.index_select(att_w_one.view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx) for att_w_one in att_w_list[idx] ] else: # handle the case of location_recurrent when return is a tuple _a_prev_ = torch.index_select( att_w_list[idx][0].view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx ) _h_prev_ = torch.index_select( att_w_list[idx][1][0].view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx ) _c_prev_ = torch.index_select( att_w_list[idx][1][1].view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx ) _a_prev = (_a_prev_, (_h_prev_, _c_prev_)) a_prev.append(_a_prev) z_prev = [ torch.index_select(z_list[li].view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx) for li in range(self.dlayers) ] c_prev = [ torch.index_select(c_list[li].view(n_bb, -1), 0, vidx) for li in range(self.dlayers) ] # pick ended hyps if i >= minlen: k = 0 penalty_i = (i + 1) * penalty thr = accum_best_scores[:, -1] for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch): if stop_search[samp_i]: k = k + beam continue for beam_j in six.moves.range(beam): _vscore = None if eos_vscores[samp_i, beam_j] > thr[samp_i]: yk = y_prev[k][:] if len(yk) <= min( hlens[idx][samp_i] for idx in range(self.num_encs) ): _vscore = eos_vscores[samp_i][beam_j] + penalty_i elif i == maxlen - 1: yk = yseq[k][:] _vscore = vscores[samp_i][beam_j] + penalty_i if _vscore: yk.append(self.eos) if rnnlm: _vscore += recog_args.lm_weight * rnnlm_state, index=k ) _score = ended_hyps[samp_i].append( {"yseq": yk, "vscore": _vscore, "score": _score} ) k = k + 1 # end detection stop_search = [ stop_search[samp_i] or end_detect(ended_hyps[samp_i], i) for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch) ] stop_search_summary = list(set(stop_search)) if len(stop_search_summary) == 1 and stop_search_summary[0]: break if rnnlm: rnnlm_state = self._index_select_lm_state(rnnlm_state, 0, vidx) if ctc_scorer[0]: for idx in range(self.num_encs): ctc_state[idx] = ctc_scorer[idx].index_select_state( ctc_state[idx], accum_best_ids ) torch.cuda.empty_cache() dummy_hyps = [ {"yseq": [self.sos, self.eos], "score": np.array([-float("inf")])} ] ended_hyps = [ ended_hyps[samp_i] if len(ended_hyps[samp_i]) != 0 else dummy_hyps for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch) ] if normalize_score: for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch): for x in ended_hyps[samp_i]: x["score"] /= len(x["yseq"]) nbest_hyps = [ sorted(ended_hyps[samp_i], key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True)[ : min(len(ended_hyps[samp_i]), recog_args.nbest) ] for samp_i in six.moves.range(batch) ] return nbest_hyps
[docs] def calculate_all_attentions(self, hs_pad, hlen, ys_pad, strm_idx=0, lang_ids=None): """Calculate all of attentions :param torch.Tensor hs_pad: batch of padded hidden state sequences (B, Tmax, D) in multi-encoder case, list of torch.Tensor, [(B, Tmax_1, D), (B, Tmax_2, D), ..., ] ] :param torch.Tensor hlen: batch of lengths of hidden state sequences (B) [in multi-encoder case, list of torch.Tensor, [(B), (B), ..., ] :param torch.Tensor ys_pad: batch of padded character id sequence tensor (B, Lmax) :param int strm_idx: stream index for parallel speaker attention in multi-speaker case :param torch.Tensor lang_ids: batch of target language id tensor (B, 1) :return: attention weights with the following shape, 1) multi-head case => attention weights (B, H, Lmax, Tmax), 2) multi-encoder case => [(B, Lmax, Tmax1), (B, Lmax, Tmax2), ..., (B, Lmax, NumEncs)] 3) other case => attention weights (B, Lmax, Tmax). :rtype: float ndarray """ # to support mutiple encoder asr mode, in single encoder mode, # convert torch.Tensor to List of torch.Tensor if self.num_encs == 1: hs_pad = [hs_pad] hlen = [hlen] # TODO(kan-bayashi): need to make more smart way ys = [y[y != self.ignore_id] for y in ys_pad] # parse padded ys att_idx = min(strm_idx, len(self.att) - 1) # hlen should be list of list of integer hlen = [list(map(int, hlen[idx])) for idx in range(self.num_encs)] self.loss = None # prepare input and output word sequences with sos/eos IDs eos = ys[0].new([self.eos]) sos = ys[0].new([self.sos]) if self.replace_sos: ys_in = [[idx, y], dim=0) for idx, y in zip(lang_ids, ys)] else: ys_in = [[sos, y], dim=0) for y in ys] ys_out = [[y, eos], dim=0) for y in ys] # padding for ys with -1 # pys: utt x olen ys_in_pad = pad_list(ys_in, self.eos) ys_out_pad = pad_list(ys_out, self.ignore_id) # get length info olength = ys_out_pad.size(1) # initialization c_list = [self.zero_state(hs_pad[0])] z_list = [self.zero_state(hs_pad[0])] for _ in six.moves.range(1, self.dlayers): c_list.append(self.zero_state(hs_pad[0])) z_list.append(self.zero_state(hs_pad[0])) att_ws = [] if self.num_encs == 1: att_w = None self.att[att_idx].reset() # reset pre-computation of h else: att_w_list = [None] * (self.num_encs + 1) # atts + han att_c_list = [None] * (self.num_encs) # atts for idx in range(self.num_encs + 1): self.att[idx].reset() # reset pre-computation of h in atts and han # pre-computation of embedding eys = self.dropout_emb(self.embed(ys_in_pad)) # utt x olen x zdim # loop for an output sequence for i in six.moves.range(olength): if self.num_encs == 1: att_c, att_w = self.att[att_idx]( hs_pad[0], hlen[0], self.dropout_dec[0](z_list[0]), att_w ) att_ws.append(att_w) else: for idx in range(self.num_encs): att_c_list[idx], att_w_list[idx] = self.att[idx]( hs_pad[idx], hlen[idx], self.dropout_dec[0](z_list[0]), att_w_list[idx], ) hs_pad_han = torch.stack(att_c_list, dim=1) hlen_han = [self.num_encs] * len(ys_in) att_c, att_w_list[self.num_encs] = self.att[self.num_encs]( hs_pad_han, hlen_han, self.dropout_dec[0](z_list[0]), att_w_list[self.num_encs], ) att_ws.append(att_w_list.copy()) ey =[:, i, :], att_c), dim=1) # utt x (zdim + hdim) z_list, c_list = self.rnn_forward(ey, z_list, c_list, z_list, c_list) if self.num_encs == 1: # convert to numpy array with the shape (B, Lmax, Tmax) att_ws = att_to_numpy(att_ws, self.att[att_idx]) else: _att_ws = [] for idx, ws in enumerate(zip(*att_ws)): ws = att_to_numpy(ws, self.att[idx]) _att_ws.append(ws) att_ws = _att_ws return att_ws
@staticmethod def _get_last_yseq(exp_yseq): last = [] for y_seq in exp_yseq: last.append(y_seq[-1]) return last @staticmethod def _append_ids(yseq, ids): if isinstance(ids, list): for i, j in enumerate(ids): yseq[i].append(j) else: for i in range(len(yseq)): yseq[i].append(ids) return yseq @staticmethod def _index_select_list(yseq, lst): new_yseq = [] for i in lst: new_yseq.append(yseq[i][:]) return new_yseq @staticmethod def _index_select_lm_state(rnnlm_state, dim, vidx): if isinstance(rnnlm_state, dict): new_state = {} for k, v in rnnlm_state.items(): new_state[k] = [torch.index_select(vi, dim, vidx) for vi in v] elif isinstance(rnnlm_state, list): new_state = [] for i in vidx: new_state.append(rnnlm_state[int(i)][:]) return new_state # scorer interface methods
[docs] def init_state(self, x): # to support mutiple encoder asr mode, in single encoder mode, # convert torch.Tensor to List of torch.Tensor if self.num_encs == 1: x = [x] c_list = [self.zero_state(x[0].unsqueeze(0))] z_list = [self.zero_state(x[0].unsqueeze(0))] for _ in six.moves.range(1, self.dlayers): c_list.append(self.zero_state(x[0].unsqueeze(0))) z_list.append(self.zero_state(x[0].unsqueeze(0))) # TODO(karita): support strm_index for `asr_mix` strm_index = 0 att_idx = min(strm_index, len(self.att) - 1) if self.num_encs == 1: a = None self.att[att_idx].reset() # reset pre-computation of h else: a = [None] * (self.num_encs + 1) # atts + han for idx in range(self.num_encs + 1): self.att[idx].reset() # reset pre-computation of h in atts and han return dict( c_prev=c_list[:], z_prev=z_list[:], a_prev=a, workspace=(att_idx, z_list, c_list), )
[docs] def score(self, yseq, state, x): # to support mutiple encoder asr mode, in single encoder mode, # convert torch.Tensor to List of torch.Tensor if self.num_encs == 1: x = [x] att_idx, z_list, c_list = state["workspace"] vy = yseq[-1].unsqueeze(0) ey = self.dropout_emb(self.embed(vy)) # utt list (1) x zdim if self.num_encs == 1: att_c, att_w = self.att[att_idx]( x[0].unsqueeze(0), [x[0].size(0)], self.dropout_dec[0](state["z_prev"][0]), state["a_prev"], ) else: att_w = [None] * (self.num_encs + 1) # atts + han att_c_list = [None] * (self.num_encs) # atts for idx in range(self.num_encs): att_c_list[idx], att_w[idx] = self.att[idx]( x[idx].unsqueeze(0), [x[idx].size(0)], self.dropout_dec[0](state["z_prev"][0]), state["a_prev"][idx], ) h_han = torch.stack(att_c_list, dim=1) att_c, att_w[self.num_encs] = self.att[self.num_encs]( h_han, [self.num_encs], self.dropout_dec[0](state["z_prev"][0]), state["a_prev"][self.num_encs], ) ey =, att_c), dim=1) # utt(1) x (zdim + hdim) z_list, c_list = self.rnn_forward( ey, z_list, c_list, state["z_prev"], state["c_prev"] ) if self.context_residual: logits = self.output([-1](z_list[-1]), att_c), dim=-1) ) else: logits = self.output(self.dropout_dec[-1](z_list[-1])) logp = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=1).squeeze(0) return ( logp, dict( c_prev=c_list[:], z_prev=z_list[:], a_prev=att_w, workspace=(att_idx, z_list, c_list), ), )
[docs]def decoder_for(args, odim, sos, eos, att, labeldist): return Decoder( args.eprojs, odim, args.dtype, args.dlayers, args.dunits, sos, eos, att, args.verbose, args.char_list, labeldist, args.lsm_weight, args.sampling_probability, args.dropout_rate_decoder, getattr(args, "context_residual", False), # use getattr to keep compatibility getattr(args, "replace_sos", False), # use getattr to keep compatibility getattr(args, "num_encs", 1), ) # use getattr to keep compatibility