Source code for espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.e2e_st_transformer

# Copyright 2019 Kyoto University (Hirofumi Inaguma)
#  Apache 2.0  (

"""Transformer speech recognition model (pytorch)."""

from argparse import Namespace
import logging
import math
import numpy

import torch

from espnet.nets.e2e_asr_common import end_detect
from espnet.nets.e2e_asr_common import ErrorCalculator as ASRErrorCalculator
from espnet.nets.e2e_mt_common import ErrorCalculator as MTErrorCalculator
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.ctc import CTC
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.e2e_asr import CTC_LOSS_THRESHOLD
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.e2e_st import Reporter
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import get_subsample
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import make_non_pad_mask
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import pad_list
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import th_accuracy
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.add_sos_eos import add_sos_eos
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.argument import (
    add_arguments_transformer_common,  # noqa: H301
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.attention import MultiHeadedAttention
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.decoder import Decoder
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.encoder import Encoder
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.initializer import initialize
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.label_smoothing_loss import (
    LabelSmoothingLoss,  # noqa: H301
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.mask import subsequent_mask
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.mask import target_mask
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.transformer.plot import PlotAttentionReport
from espnet.nets.st_interface import STInterface
from espnet.utils.fill_missing_args import fill_missing_args

[docs]class E2E(STInterface, torch.nn.Module): """E2E module. :param int idim: dimension of inputs :param int odim: dimension of outputs :param Namespace args: argument Namespace containing options """
[docs] @staticmethod def add_arguments(parser): """Add arguments.""" group = parser.add_argument_group("transformer model setting") group = add_arguments_transformer_common(group) return parser
@property def attention_plot_class(self): """Return PlotAttentionReport.""" return PlotAttentionReport
[docs] def get_total_subsampling_factor(self): """Get total subsampling factor.""" return self.encoder.conv_subsampling_factor * int(
def __init__(self, idim, odim, args, ignore_id=-1): """Construct an E2E object. :param int idim: dimension of inputs :param int odim: dimension of outputs :param Namespace args: argument Namespace containing options """ torch.nn.Module.__init__(self) # fill missing arguments for compatibility args = fill_missing_args(args, self.add_arguments) if args.transformer_attn_dropout_rate is None: args.transformer_attn_dropout_rate = args.dropout_rate self.encoder = Encoder( idim=idim, selfattention_layer_type=args.transformer_encoder_selfattn_layer_type, attention_dim=args.adim, attention_heads=args.aheads, conv_wshare=args.wshare, conv_kernel_length=args.ldconv_encoder_kernel_length, conv_usebias=args.ldconv_usebias, linear_units=args.eunits, num_blocks=args.elayers, input_layer=args.transformer_input_layer, dropout_rate=args.dropout_rate, positional_dropout_rate=args.dropout_rate, attention_dropout_rate=args.transformer_attn_dropout_rate, ) self.decoder = Decoder( odim=odim, selfattention_layer_type=args.transformer_decoder_selfattn_layer_type, attention_dim=args.adim, attention_heads=args.aheads, conv_wshare=args.wshare, conv_kernel_length=args.ldconv_decoder_kernel_length, conv_usebias=args.ldconv_usebias, linear_units=args.dunits, num_blocks=args.dlayers, dropout_rate=args.dropout_rate, positional_dropout_rate=args.dropout_rate, self_attention_dropout_rate=args.transformer_attn_dropout_rate, src_attention_dropout_rate=args.transformer_attn_dropout_rate, ) self.pad = 0 # use <blank> for padding self.sos = odim - 1 self.eos = odim - 1 self.odim = odim self.ignore_id = ignore_id self.subsample = get_subsample(args, mode="st", arch="transformer") self.reporter = Reporter() self.criterion = LabelSmoothingLoss( self.odim, self.ignore_id, args.lsm_weight, args.transformer_length_normalized_loss, ) # submodule for ASR task self.mtlalpha = args.mtlalpha self.asr_weight = args.asr_weight if self.asr_weight > 0 and args.mtlalpha < 1: self.decoder_asr = Decoder( odim=odim, attention_dim=args.adim, attention_heads=args.aheads, linear_units=args.dunits, num_blocks=args.dlayers, dropout_rate=args.dropout_rate, positional_dropout_rate=args.dropout_rate, self_attention_dropout_rate=args.transformer_attn_dropout_rate, src_attention_dropout_rate=args.transformer_attn_dropout_rate, ) # submodule for MT task self.mt_weight = args.mt_weight if self.mt_weight > 0: self.encoder_mt = Encoder( idim=odim, attention_dim=args.adim, attention_heads=args.aheads, linear_units=args.dunits, num_blocks=args.dlayers, input_layer="embed", dropout_rate=args.dropout_rate, positional_dropout_rate=args.dropout_rate, attention_dropout_rate=args.transformer_attn_dropout_rate, padding_idx=0, ) self.reset_parameters(args) # NOTE: place after the submodule initialization self.adim = args.adim # used for CTC (equal to d_model) if self.asr_weight > 0 and args.mtlalpha > 0.0: self.ctc = CTC( odim, args.adim, args.dropout_rate, ctc_type=args.ctc_type, reduce=True ) else: self.ctc = None # translation error calculator self.error_calculator = MTErrorCalculator( args.char_list, args.sym_space, args.sym_blank, args.report_bleu ) # recognition error calculator self.error_calculator_asr = ASRErrorCalculator( args.char_list, args.sym_space, args.sym_blank, args.report_cer, args.report_wer, ) self.rnnlm = None # multilingual E2E-ST related self.multilingual = getattr(args, "multilingual", False) self.replace_sos = getattr(args, "replace_sos", False)
[docs] def reset_parameters(self, args): """Initialize parameters.""" initialize(self, args.transformer_init) if self.mt_weight > 0: torch.nn.init.normal_( self.encoder_mt.embed[0].weight, mean=0, std=args.adim**-0.5 ) torch.nn.init.constant_(self.encoder_mt.embed[0].weight[self.pad], 0)
[docs] def forward(self, xs_pad, ilens, ys_pad, ys_pad_src): """E2E forward. :param torch.Tensor xs_pad: batch of padded source sequences (B, Tmax, idim) :param torch.Tensor ilens: batch of lengths of source sequences (B) :param torch.Tensor ys_pad: batch of padded target sequences (B, Lmax) :param torch.Tensor ys_pad_src: batch of padded target sequences (B, Lmax) :return: ctc loss value :rtype: torch.Tensor :return: attention loss value :rtype: torch.Tensor :return: accuracy in attention decoder :rtype: float """ # 0. Extract target language ID tgt_lang_ids = None if self.multilingual: tgt_lang_ids = ys_pad[:, 0:1] ys_pad = ys_pad[:, 1:] # remove target language ID in the beginning # 1. forward encoder xs_pad = xs_pad[:, : max(ilens)] # for data parallel src_mask = make_non_pad_mask(ilens.tolist()).to(xs_pad.device).unsqueeze(-2) hs_pad, hs_mask = self.encoder(xs_pad, src_mask) # 2. forward decoder ys_in_pad, ys_out_pad = add_sos_eos(ys_pad, self.sos, self.eos, self.ignore_id) # replace <sos> with target language ID if self.replace_sos: ys_in_pad =[tgt_lang_ids, ys_in_pad[:, 1:]], dim=1) ys_mask = target_mask(ys_in_pad, self.ignore_id) pred_pad, pred_mask = self.decoder(ys_in_pad, ys_mask, hs_pad, hs_mask) # 3. compute ST loss loss_att = self.criterion(pred_pad, ys_out_pad) self.acc = th_accuracy( pred_pad.view(-1, self.odim), ys_out_pad, ignore_label=self.ignore_id ) # 4. compute corpus-level bleu in a mini-batch if self.bleu = None else: ys_hat = pred_pad.argmax(dim=-1) self.bleu = self.error_calculator(ys_hat.cpu(), ys_pad.cpu()) # 5. compute auxiliary ASR loss loss_asr_att, acc_asr, loss_asr_ctc, cer_ctc, cer, wer = self.forward_asr( hs_pad, hs_mask, ys_pad_src ) # 6. compute auxiliary MT loss loss_mt, acc_mt = 0.0, None if self.mt_weight > 0: loss_mt, acc_mt = self.forward_mt( ys_pad_src, ys_in_pad, ys_out_pad, ys_mask ) asr_ctc_weight = self.mtlalpha self.loss = ( (1 - self.asr_weight - self.mt_weight) * loss_att + self.asr_weight * (asr_ctc_weight * loss_asr_ctc + (1 - asr_ctc_weight) * loss_asr_att) + self.mt_weight * loss_mt ) loss_asr_data = float( asr_ctc_weight * loss_asr_ctc + (1 - asr_ctc_weight) * loss_asr_att ) loss_mt_data = None if self.mt_weight == 0 else float(loss_mt) loss_st_data = float(loss_att) loss_data = float(self.loss) if loss_data < CTC_LOSS_THRESHOLD and not math.isnan(loss_data): loss_asr_data, loss_mt_data, loss_st_data, acc_asr, acc_mt, self.acc, cer_ctc, cer, wer, self.bleu, loss_data, ) else: logging.warning("loss (=%f) is not correct", loss_data) return self.loss
[docs] def forward_asr(self, hs_pad, hs_mask, ys_pad): """Forward pass in the auxiliary ASR task. :param torch.Tensor hs_pad: batch of padded source sequences (B, Tmax, idim) :param torch.Tensor hs_mask: batch of input token mask (B, Lmax) :param torch.Tensor ys_pad: batch of padded target sequences (B, Lmax) :return: ASR attention loss value :rtype: torch.Tensor :return: accuracy in ASR attention decoder :rtype: float :return: ASR CTC loss value :rtype: torch.Tensor :return: character error rate from CTC prediction :rtype: float :return: character error rate from attetion decoder prediction :rtype: float :return: word error rate from attetion decoder prediction :rtype: float """ loss_att, loss_ctc = 0.0, 0.0 acc = None cer, wer = None, None cer_ctc = None if self.asr_weight == 0: return loss_att, acc, loss_ctc, cer_ctc, cer, wer # attention if self.mtlalpha < 1: ys_in_pad_asr, ys_out_pad_asr = add_sos_eos( ys_pad, self.sos, self.eos, self.ignore_id ) ys_mask_asr = target_mask(ys_in_pad_asr, self.ignore_id) pred_pad, _ = self.decoder_asr(ys_in_pad_asr, ys_mask_asr, hs_pad, hs_mask) loss_att = self.criterion(pred_pad, ys_out_pad_asr) acc = th_accuracy( pred_pad.view(-1, self.odim), ys_out_pad_asr, ignore_label=self.ignore_id, ) if not ys_hat_asr = pred_pad.argmax(dim=-1) cer, wer = self.error_calculator_asr(ys_hat_asr.cpu(), ys_pad.cpu()) # CTC if self.mtlalpha > 0: batch_size = hs_pad.size(0) hs_len = hs_mask.view(batch_size, -1).sum(1) loss_ctc = self.ctc(hs_pad.view(batch_size, -1, self.adim), hs_len, ys_pad) if not ys_hat_ctc = self.ctc.argmax( hs_pad.view(batch_size, -1, self.adim) ).data cer_ctc = self.error_calculator_asr( ys_hat_ctc.cpu(), ys_pad.cpu(), is_ctc=True ) # for visualization self.ctc.softmax(hs_pad) return loss_att, acc, loss_ctc, cer_ctc, cer, wer
[docs] def forward_mt(self, xs_pad, ys_in_pad, ys_out_pad, ys_mask): """Forward pass in the auxiliary MT task. :param torch.Tensor xs_pad: batch of padded source sequences (B, Tmax, idim) :param torch.Tensor ys_in_pad: batch of padded target sequences (B, Lmax) :param torch.Tensor ys_out_pad: batch of padded target sequences (B, Lmax) :param torch.Tensor ys_mask: batch of input token mask (B, Lmax) :return: MT loss value :rtype: torch.Tensor :return: accuracy in MT decoder :rtype: float """ loss, acc = 0.0, None if self.mt_weight == 0: return loss, acc ilens = torch.sum(xs_pad != self.ignore_id, dim=1).cpu().numpy() # NOTE: xs_pad is padded with -1 xs = [x[x != self.ignore_id] for x in xs_pad] # parse padded xs xs_zero_pad = pad_list(xs, self.pad) # re-pad with zero xs_zero_pad = xs_zero_pad[:, : max(ilens)] # for data parallel src_mask = ( make_non_pad_mask(ilens.tolist()).to(xs_zero_pad.device).unsqueeze(-2) ) hs_pad, hs_mask = self.encoder_mt(xs_zero_pad, src_mask) pred_pad, _ = self.decoder(ys_in_pad, ys_mask, hs_pad, hs_mask) loss = self.criterion(pred_pad, ys_out_pad) acc = th_accuracy( pred_pad.view(-1, self.odim), ys_out_pad, ignore_label=self.ignore_id ) return loss, acc
[docs] def scorers(self): """Scorers.""" return dict(decoder=self.decoder)
[docs] def encode(self, x): """Encode source acoustic features. :param ndarray x: source acoustic feature (T, D) :return: encoder outputs :rtype: torch.Tensor """ self.eval() x = torch.as_tensor(x).unsqueeze(0) enc_output, _ = self.encoder(x, None) return enc_output.squeeze(0)
[docs] def translate( self, x, trans_args, char_list=None, ): """Translate input speech. :param ndnarray x: input acoustic feature (B, T, D) or (T, D) :param Namespace trans_args: argment Namespace contraining options :param list char_list: list of characters :return: N-best decoding results :rtype: list """ # preprate sos if getattr(trans_args, "tgt_lang", False): if self.replace_sos: y = char_list.index(trans_args.tgt_lang) else: y = self.sos"<sos> index: " + str(y))"<sos> mark: " + char_list[y])"input lengths: " + str(x.shape[0])) enc_output = self.encode(x).unsqueeze(0) h = enc_output"encoder output lengths: " + str(h.size(1))) # search parms beam = trans_args.beam_size penalty = trans_args.penalty if trans_args.maxlenratio == 0: maxlen = h.size(1) else: # maxlen >= 1 maxlen = max(1, int(trans_args.maxlenratio * h.size(1))) minlen = int(trans_args.minlenratio * h.size(1))"max output length: " + str(maxlen))"min output length: " + str(minlen)) # initialize hypothesis hyp = {"score": 0.0, "yseq": [y]} hyps = [hyp] ended_hyps = [] for i in range(maxlen): logging.debug("position " + str(i)) # batchfy ys = h.new_zeros((len(hyps), i + 1), dtype=torch.int64) for j, hyp in enumerate(hyps): ys[j, :] = torch.tensor(hyp["yseq"]) ys_mask = subsequent_mask(i + 1).unsqueeze(0).to(h.device) local_scores = self.decoder.forward_one_step( ys, ys_mask, h.repeat([len(hyps), 1, 1]) )[0] hyps_best_kept = [] for j, hyp in enumerate(hyps): local_best_scores, local_best_ids = torch.topk( local_scores[j : j + 1], beam, dim=1 ) for j in range(beam): new_hyp = {} new_hyp["score"] = hyp["score"] + float(local_best_scores[0, j]) new_hyp["yseq"] = [0] * (1 + len(hyp["yseq"])) new_hyp["yseq"][: len(hyp["yseq"])] = hyp["yseq"] new_hyp["yseq"][len(hyp["yseq"])] = int(local_best_ids[0, j]) # will be (2 x beam) hyps at most hyps_best_kept.append(new_hyp) hyps_best_kept = sorted( hyps_best_kept, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True )[:beam] # sort and get nbest hyps = hyps_best_kept logging.debug("number of pruned hypothes: " + str(len(hyps))) if char_list is not None: logging.debug( "best hypo: " + "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyps[0]["yseq"][1:]]) ) # add eos in the final loop to avoid that there are no ended hyps if i == maxlen - 1:"adding <eos> in the last position in the loop") for hyp in hyps: hyp["yseq"].append(self.eos) # add ended hypothes to a final list, and removed them from current hypothes # (this will be a probmlem, number of hyps < beam) remained_hyps = [] for hyp in hyps: if hyp["yseq"][-1] == self.eos: # only store the sequence that has more than minlen outputs # also add penalty if len(hyp["yseq"]) > minlen: hyp["score"] += (i + 1) * penalty ended_hyps.append(hyp) else: remained_hyps.append(hyp) # end detection if end_detect(ended_hyps, i) and trans_args.maxlenratio == 0.0:"end detected at %d", i) break hyps = remained_hyps if len(hyps) > 0: logging.debug("remeined hypothes: " + str(len(hyps))) else:"no hypothesis. Finish decoding.") break if char_list is not None: for hyp in hyps: logging.debug( "hypo: " + "".join([char_list[int(x)] for x in hyp["yseq"][1:]]) ) logging.debug("number of ended hypothes: " + str(len(ended_hyps))) nbest_hyps = sorted(ended_hyps, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True)[ : min(len(ended_hyps), trans_args.nbest) ] # check number of hypotheis if len(nbest_hyps) == 0: logging.warning( "there is no N-best results, perform translation " "again with smaller minlenratio." ) # should copy becasuse Namespace will be overwritten globally trans_args = Namespace(**vars(trans_args)) trans_args.minlenratio = max(0.0, trans_args.minlenratio - 0.1) return self.translate(x, trans_args, char_list)"total log probability: " + str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"])) "normalized log probability: " + str(nbest_hyps[0]["score"] / len(nbest_hyps[0]["yseq"])) ) return nbest_hyps
[docs] def calculate_all_attentions(self, xs_pad, ilens, ys_pad, ys_pad_src): """E2E attention calculation. :param torch.Tensor xs_pad: batch of padded input sequences (B, Tmax, idim) :param torch.Tensor ilens: batch of lengths of input sequences (B) :param torch.Tensor ys_pad: batch of padded token id sequence tensor (B, Lmax) :param torch.Tensor ys_pad_src: batch of padded token id sequence tensor (B, Lmax) :return: attention weights (B, H, Lmax, Tmax) :rtype: float ndarray """ self.eval() with torch.no_grad(): self.forward(xs_pad, ilens, ys_pad, ys_pad_src) ret = dict() for name, m in self.named_modules(): if ( isinstance(m, MultiHeadedAttention) and m.attn is not None ): # skip MHA for submodules ret[name] = m.attn.cpu().numpy() self.train() return ret
[docs] def calculate_all_ctc_probs(self, xs_pad, ilens, ys_pad, ys_pad_src): """E2E CTC probability calculation. :param torch.Tensor xs_pad: batch of padded input sequences (B, Tmax) :param torch.Tensor ilens: batch of lengths of input sequences (B) :param torch.Tensor ys_pad: batch of padded token id sequence tensor (B, Lmax) :param torch.Tensor ys_pad_src: batch of padded token id sequence tensor (B, Lmax) :return: CTC probability (B, Tmax, vocab) :rtype: float ndarray """ ret = None if self.asr_weight == 0 or self.mtlalpha == 0: return ret self.eval() with torch.no_grad(): self.forward(xs_pad, ilens, ys_pad, ys_pad_src) ret = None for name, m in self.named_modules(): if isinstance(m, CTC) and m.probs is not None: ret = m.probs.cpu().numpy() self.train() return ret