Source code for espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.e2e_st

# Copyright 2019 Kyoto University (Hirofumi Inaguma)
#  Apache 2.0  (

"""RNN sequence-to-sequence speech translation model (pytorch)."""

import argparse
import copy
import logging
import math
import os

import nltk

import chainer
import numpy as np
import six
import torch

from itertools import groupby

from chainer import reporter

from espnet.nets.e2e_asr_common import label_smoothing_dist
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.ctc import CTC
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.initialization import lecun_normal_init_parameters
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.initialization import set_forget_bias_to_one
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import get_subsample
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import pad_list
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import to_device
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.nets_utils import to_torch_tensor
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.rnn.argument import (
    add_arguments_rnn_encoder_common,  # noqa: H301
    add_arguments_rnn_decoder_common,  # noqa: H301
    add_arguments_rnn_attention_common,  # noqa: H301
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.rnn.attentions import att_for
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.rnn.decoders import decoder_for
from espnet.nets.pytorch_backend.rnn.encoders import encoder_for
from espnet.nets.st_interface import STInterface
from espnet.utils.fill_missing_args import fill_missing_args


[docs]class Reporter(chainer.Chain): """A chainer reporter wrapper."""
[docs] def report( self, loss_asr, loss_mt, loss_st, acc_asr, acc_mt, acc, cer_ctc, cer, wer, bleu, mtl_loss, ): """Report at every step."""{"loss_asr": loss_asr}, self){"loss_mt": loss_mt}, self){"loss_st": loss_st}, self){"acc_asr": acc_asr}, self){"acc_mt": acc_mt}, self){"acc": acc}, self){"cer_ctc": cer_ctc}, self){"cer": cer}, self){"wer": wer}, self){"bleu": bleu}, self)"mtl loss:" + str(mtl_loss)){"loss": mtl_loss}, self)
[docs]class E2E(STInterface, torch.nn.Module): """E2E module. :param int idim: dimension of inputs :param int odim: dimension of outputs :param Namespace args: argument Namespace containing options """
[docs] @staticmethod def add_arguments(parser): """Add arguments.""" E2E.encoder_add_arguments(parser) E2E.attention_add_arguments(parser) E2E.decoder_add_arguments(parser) return parser
[docs] @staticmethod def encoder_add_arguments(parser): """Add arguments for the encoder.""" group = parser.add_argument_group("E2E encoder setting") group = add_arguments_rnn_encoder_common(group) return parser
[docs] @staticmethod def attention_add_arguments(parser): """Add arguments for the attention.""" group = parser.add_argument_group("E2E attention setting") group = add_arguments_rnn_attention_common(group) return parser
[docs] @staticmethod def decoder_add_arguments(parser): """Add arguments for the decoder.""" group = parser.add_argument_group("E2E decoder setting") group = add_arguments_rnn_decoder_common(group) return parser
[docs] def get_total_subsampling_factor(self): """Get total subsampling factor.""" return self.enc.conv_subsampling_factor * int(
def __init__(self, idim, odim, args): """Construct an E2E object. :param int idim: dimension of inputs :param int odim: dimension of outputs :param Namespace args: argument Namespace containing options """ super(E2E, self).__init__() torch.nn.Module.__init__(self) # fill missing arguments for compatibility args = fill_missing_args(args, self.add_arguments) self.asr_weight = args.asr_weight self.mt_weight = args.mt_weight self.mtlalpha = args.mtlalpha assert 0.0 <= self.asr_weight < 1.0, "asr_weight should be [0.0, 1.0)" assert 0.0 <= self.mt_weight < 1.0, "mt_weight should be [0.0, 1.0)" assert 0.0 <= self.mtlalpha <= 1.0, "mtlalpha should be [0.0, 1.0]" self.etype = args.etype self.verbose = args.verbose # NOTE: for method args.char_list = getattr(args, "char_list", None) self.char_list = args.char_list self.outdir = args.outdir = args.sym_space self.blank = args.sym_blank self.reporter = Reporter() # below means the last number becomes eos/sos ID # note that sos/eos IDs are identical self.sos = odim - 1 self.eos = odim - 1 self.pad = 0 # NOTE: we reserve index:0 for <pad> although this is reserved for a blank class # in ASR. However, blank labels are not used in MT. # To keep the vocabulary size, # we use index:0 for padding instead of adding one more class. # subsample info self.subsample = get_subsample(args, mode="st", arch="rnn") # label smoothing info if args.lsm_type and os.path.isfile(args.train_json):"Use label smoothing with " + args.lsm_type) labeldist = label_smoothing_dist( odim, args.lsm_type, transcript=args.train_json ) else: labeldist = None # multilingual related self.multilingual = getattr(args, "multilingual", False) self.replace_sos = getattr(args, "replace_sos", False) # encoder self.enc = encoder_for(args, idim, self.subsample) # attention (ST) self.att = att_for(args) # decoder (ST) self.dec = decoder_for(args, odim, self.sos, self.eos, self.att, labeldist) # submodule for ASR task self.ctc = None self.att_asr = None self.dec_asr = None if self.asr_weight > 0: if self.mtlalpha > 0.0: self.ctc = CTC( odim, args.eprojs, args.dropout_rate, ctc_type=args.ctc_type, reduce=True, ) if self.mtlalpha < 1.0: # attention (asr) self.att_asr = att_for(args) # decoder (asr) args_asr = copy.deepcopy(args) args_asr.atype = "location" # TODO(hirofumi0810): make this option self.dec_asr = decoder_for( args_asr, odim, self.sos, self.eos, self.att_asr, labeldist ) # submodule for MT task if self.mt_weight > 0: self.embed_mt = torch.nn.Embedding(odim, args.eunits, padding_idx=self.pad) self.dropout_mt = torch.nn.Dropout(p=args.dropout_rate) self.enc_mt = encoder_for( args, args.eunits, subsample=np.ones(args.elayers + 1, ) # weight initialization self.init_like_chainer() # options for beam search if self.asr_weight > 0 and args.report_cer or args.report_wer: recog_args = { "beam_size": args.beam_size, "penalty": args.penalty, "ctc_weight": args.ctc_weight, "maxlenratio": args.maxlenratio, "minlenratio": args.minlenratio, "lm_weight": args.lm_weight, "rnnlm": args.rnnlm, "nbest": args.nbest, "space": args.sym_space, "blank": args.sym_blank, "tgt_lang": False, } self.recog_args = argparse.Namespace(**recog_args) self.report_cer = args.report_cer self.report_wer = args.report_wer else: self.report_cer = False self.report_wer = False if args.report_bleu: trans_args = { "beam_size": args.beam_size, "penalty": args.penalty, "ctc_weight": 0, "maxlenratio": args.maxlenratio, "minlenratio": args.minlenratio, "lm_weight": args.lm_weight, "rnnlm": args.rnnlm, "nbest": args.nbest, "space": args.sym_space, "blank": args.sym_blank, "tgt_lang": False, } self.trans_args = argparse.Namespace(**trans_args) self.report_bleu = args.report_bleu else: self.report_bleu = False self.rnnlm = None self.logzero = -10000000000.0 self.loss = None self.acc = None
[docs] def init_like_chainer(self): """Initialize weight like chainer. chainer basically uses LeCun way: W ~ Normal(0, fan_in ** -0.5), b = 0 pytorch basically uses W, b ~ Uniform(-fan_in**-0.5, fan_in**-0.5) however, there are two exceptions as far as I know. - EmbedID.W ~ Normal(0, 1) - LSTM.upward.b[forget_gate_range] = 1 (but not used in NStepLSTM) """ lecun_normal_init_parameters(self) # exceptions # embed weight ~ Normal(0, 1), 1) # forget-bias = 1.0 # for i in six.moves.range(len(self.dec.decoder)): set_forget_bias_to_one(self.dec.decoder[i].bias_ih)
[docs] def forward(self, xs_pad, ilens, ys_pad, ys_pad_src): """E2E forward. :param torch.Tensor xs_pad: batch of padded input sequences (B, Tmax, idim) :param torch.Tensor ilens: batch of lengths of input sequences (B) :param torch.Tensor ys_pad: batch of padded token id sequence tensor (B, Lmax) :return: loss value :rtype: torch.Tensor """ # 0. Extract target language ID if self.multilingual: tgt_lang_ids = ys_pad[:, 0:1] ys_pad = ys_pad[:, 1:] # remove target language ID in the beginning else: tgt_lang_ids = None # 1. Encoder hs_pad, hlens, _ = self.enc(xs_pad, ilens) # 2. ST attention loss self.loss_st, self.acc, _ = self.dec( hs_pad, hlens, ys_pad, lang_ids=tgt_lang_ids ) # 3. ASR loss ( self.loss_asr_att, acc_asr, self.loss_asr_ctc, cer_ctc, cer, wer, ) = self.forward_asr(hs_pad, hlens, ys_pad_src) # 4. MT attention loss self.loss_mt, acc_mt = self.forward_mt(ys_pad, ys_pad_src) # 5. Compute BLEU if or not self.report_bleu: self.bleu = 0.0 else: lpz = None nbest_hyps = self.dec.recognize_beam_batch( hs_pad, torch.tensor(hlens), lpz, self.trans_args, self.char_list, self.rnnlm, lang_ids=tgt_lang_ids.squeeze(1).tolist() if self.multilingual else None, ) # remove <sos> and <eos> list_of_refs = [] hyps = [] y_hats = [nbest_hyp[0]["yseq"][1:-1] for nbest_hyp in nbest_hyps] for i, y_hat in enumerate(y_hats): y_true = ys_pad[i] seq_hat = [self.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_hat if int(idx) != -1] seq_true = [ self.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_true if int(idx) != -1 ] seq_hat_text = "".join(seq_hat).replace(, " ") seq_hat_text = seq_hat_text.replace(self.trans_args.blank, "") seq_true_text = "".join(seq_true).replace(, " ") hyps += [seq_hat_text.split(" ")] list_of_refs += [[seq_true_text.split(" ")]] self.bleu = nltk.bleu_score.corpus_bleu(list_of_refs, hyps) * 100 asr_ctc_weight = self.mtlalpha self.loss_asr = ( asr_ctc_weight * self.loss_asr_ctc + (1 - asr_ctc_weight) * self.loss_asr_att ) self.loss = ( (1 - self.asr_weight - self.mt_weight) * self.loss_st + self.asr_weight * self.loss_asr + self.mt_weight * self.loss_mt ) loss_st_data = float(self.loss_st) loss_asr_data = float(self.loss_asr) loss_mt_data = float(self.loss_mt) loss_data = float(self.loss) if loss_data < CTC_LOSS_THRESHOLD and not math.isnan(loss_data): loss_asr_data, loss_mt_data, loss_st_data, acc_asr, acc_mt, self.acc, cer_ctc, cer, wer, self.bleu, loss_data, ) else: logging.warning("loss (=%f) is not correct", loss_data) return self.loss
[docs] def forward_asr(self, hs_pad, hlens, ys_pad): """Forward pass in the auxiliary ASR task. :param torch.Tensor hs_pad: batch of padded source sequences (B, Tmax, idim) :param torch.Tensor hlens: batch of lengths of input sequences (B) :param torch.Tensor ys_pad: batch of padded target sequences (B, Lmax) :return: ASR attention loss value :rtype: torch.Tensor :return: accuracy in ASR attention decoder :rtype: float :return: ASR CTC loss value :rtype: torch.Tensor :return: character error rate from CTC prediction :rtype: float :return: character error rate from attetion decoder prediction :rtype: float :return: word error rate from attetion decoder prediction :rtype: float """ import editdistance loss_att, loss_ctc = 0.0, 0.0 acc = None cer, wer = None, None cer_ctc = None if self.asr_weight == 0: return loss_att, acc, loss_ctc, cer_ctc, cer, wer # attention if self.mtlalpha < 1: loss_asr, acc_asr, _ = self.dec_asr(hs_pad, hlens, ys_pad) # Compute wer and cer if not and (self.report_cer or self.report_wer): if self.mtlalpha > 0 and self.recog_args.ctc_weight > 0.0: lpz = self.ctc.log_softmax(hs_pad).data else: lpz = None word_eds, word_ref_lens, char_eds, char_ref_lens = [], [], [], [] nbest_hyps_asr = self.dec_asr.recognize_beam_batch( hs_pad, torch.tensor(hlens), lpz, self.recog_args, self.char_list, self.rnnlm, ) # remove <sos> and <eos> y_hats = [nbest_hyp[0]["yseq"][1:-1] for nbest_hyp in nbest_hyps_asr] for i, y_hat in enumerate(y_hats): y_true = ys_pad[i] seq_hat = [ self.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_hat if int(idx) != -1 ] seq_true = [ self.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_true if int(idx) != -1 ] seq_hat_text = "".join(seq_hat).replace(, " ") seq_hat_text = seq_hat_text.replace(self.recog_args.blank, "") seq_true_text = "".join(seq_true).replace(, " " ) hyp_words = seq_hat_text.split() ref_words = seq_true_text.split() word_eds.append(editdistance.eval(hyp_words, ref_words)) word_ref_lens.append(len(ref_words)) hyp_chars = seq_hat_text.replace(" ", "") ref_chars = seq_true_text.replace(" ", "") char_eds.append(editdistance.eval(hyp_chars, ref_chars)) char_ref_lens.append(len(ref_chars)) wer = ( 0.0 if not self.report_wer else float(sum(word_eds)) / sum(word_ref_lens) ) cer = ( 0.0 if not self.report_cer else float(sum(char_eds)) / sum(char_ref_lens) ) # CTC if self.mtlalpha > 0: loss_ctc = self.ctc(hs_pad, hlens, ys_pad) # Compute cer with CTC prediction if self.char_list is not None: cers = [] y_hats = self.ctc.argmax(hs_pad).data for i, y in enumerate(y_hats): y_hat = [x[0] for x in groupby(y)] y_true = ys_pad[i] seq_hat = [ self.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_hat if int(idx) != -1 ] seq_true = [ self.char_list[int(idx)] for idx in y_true if int(idx) != -1 ] seq_hat_text = "".join(seq_hat).replace(, " ") seq_hat_text = seq_hat_text.replace(self.blank, "") seq_true_text = "".join(seq_true).replace(, " ") hyp_chars = seq_hat_text.replace(" ", "") ref_chars = seq_true_text.replace(" ", "") if len(ref_chars) > 0: cers.append( editdistance.eval(hyp_chars, ref_chars) / len(ref_chars) ) cer_ctc = sum(cers) / len(cers) if cers else None return loss_att, acc, loss_ctc, cer_ctc, cer, wer
[docs] def forward_mt(self, xs_pad, ys_pad): """Forward pass in the auxiliary MT task. :param torch.Tensor xs_pad: batch of padded source sequences (B, Tmax, idim) :param torch.Tensor ys_pad: batch of padded target sequences (B, Lmax) :return: MT loss value :rtype: torch.Tensor :return: accuracy in MT decoder :rtype: float """ loss = 0.0 acc = 0.0 if self.mt_weight == 0: return loss, acc ilens = torch.sum(xs_pad != -1, dim=1).cpu().numpy() # NOTE: xs_pad is padded with -1 ys_src = [y[y != -1] for y in xs_pad] # parse padded ys_src xs_zero_pad = pad_list(ys_src, self.pad) # re-pad with zero hs_pad, hlens, _ = self.enc_mt( self.dropout_mt(self.embed_mt(xs_zero_pad)), ilens ) loss, acc, _ = self.dec(hs_pad, hlens, ys_pad) return loss, acc
[docs] def scorers(self): """Scorers.""" return dict(decoder=self.dec)
[docs] def encode(self, x): """Encode acoustic features. :param ndarray x: input acoustic feature (T, D) :return: encoder outputs :rtype: torch.Tensor """ self.eval() ilens = [x.shape[0]] # subsample frame x = x[:: self.subsample[0], :] p = next(self.parameters()) h = torch.as_tensor(x, device=p.device, dtype=p.dtype) # make a utt list (1) to use the same interface for encoder hs = h.contiguous().unsqueeze(0) # 1. encoder hs, _, _ = self.enc(hs, ilens) return hs.squeeze(0)
[docs] def translate(self, x, trans_args, char_list, rnnlm=None): """E2E beam search. :param ndarray x: input acoustic feature (T, D) :param Namespace trans_args: argument Namespace containing options :param list char_list: list of characters :param torch.nn.Module rnnlm: language model module :return: N-best decoding results :rtype: list """"input lengths: " + str(x.shape[0])) hs = self.encode(x).unsqueeze(0)"encoder output lengths: " + str(hs.size(1))) # 2. Decoder # decode the first utterance y = self.dec.recognize_beam(hs[0], None, trans_args, char_list, rnnlm) return y
[docs] def translate_batch(self, xs, trans_args, char_list, rnnlm=None): """E2E batch beam search. :param list xs: list of input acoustic feature arrays [(T_1, D), (T_2, D), ...] :param Namespace trans_args: argument Namespace containing options :param list char_list: list of characters :param torch.nn.Module rnnlm: language model module :return: N-best decoding results :rtype: list """ prev = self.eval() ilens = np.fromiter((xx.shape[0] for xx in xs), dtype=np.int64) # subsample frame xs = [xx[:: self.subsample[0], :] for xx in xs] xs = [to_device(self, to_torch_tensor(xx).float()) for xx in xs] xs_pad = pad_list(xs, 0.0) # 1. Encoder hs_pad, hlens, _ = self.enc(xs_pad, ilens) # 2. Decoder hlens = torch.tensor(list(map(int, hlens))) # make sure hlens is tensor y = self.dec.recognize_beam_batch( hs_pad, hlens, None, trans_args, char_list, rnnlm ) if prev: self.train() return y
[docs] def calculate_all_attentions(self, xs_pad, ilens, ys_pad, ys_pad_src): """E2E attention calculation. :param torch.Tensor xs_pad: batch of padded input sequences (B, Tmax, idim) :param torch.Tensor ilens: batch of lengths of input sequences (B) :param torch.Tensor ys_pad: batch of padded token id sequence tensor (B, Lmax) :param torch.Tensor ys_pad_src: batch of padded token id sequence tensor (B, Lmax) :return: attention weights with the following shape, 1) multi-head case => attention weights (B, H, Lmax, Tmax), 2) other case => attention weights (B, Lmax, Tmax). :rtype: float ndarray """ self.eval() with torch.no_grad(): # 1. Encoder if self.multilingual: tgt_lang_ids = ys_pad[:, 0:1] ys_pad = ys_pad[:, 1:] # remove target language ID in the beginning else: tgt_lang_ids = None hpad, hlens, _ = self.enc(xs_pad, ilens) # 2. Decoder att_ws = self.dec.calculate_all_attentions( hpad, hlens, ys_pad, lang_ids=tgt_lang_ids ) self.train() return att_ws
[docs] def calculate_all_ctc_probs(self, xs_pad, ilens, ys_pad, ys_pad_src): """E2E CTC probability calculation. :param torch.Tensor xs_pad: batch of padded input sequences (B, Tmax) :param torch.Tensor ilens: batch of lengths of input sequences (B) :param torch.Tensor ys_pad: batch of padded token id sequence tensor (B, Lmax) :param torch.Tensor ys_pad_src: batch of padded token id sequence tensor (B, Lmax) :return: CTC probability (B, Tmax, vocab) :rtype: float ndarray """ probs = None if self.asr_weight == 0 or self.mtlalpha == 0: return probs self.eval() with torch.no_grad(): # 1. Encoder hpad, hlens, _ = self.enc(xs_pad, ilens) # 2. CTC probs probs = self.ctc.softmax(hpad).cpu().numpy() self.train() return probs
[docs] def subsample_frames(self, x): """Subsample speeh frames in the encoder.""" # subsample frame x = x[:: self.subsample[0], :] ilen = [x.shape[0]] h = to_device(self, torch.from_numpy(np.array(x, dtype=np.float32))) h.contiguous() return h, ilen