Source code for

# Copyright 2017 Johns Hopkins University (Shinji Watanabe)
#  Apache 2.0  (
"""Class Declaration of Transformer's Training Subprocess."""
import collections
import logging
import math
import six

from chainer import cuda
from chainer import functions as F
from chainer import training
from import extension
from import gather_grads
from import gather_params
from import scatter_grads
import numpy as np

# copied from
[docs]def sum_sqnorm(arr): """Calculate the norm of the array. Args: arr (numpy.ndarray) Returns: Float: Sum of the norm calculated from the given array. """ sq_sum = collections.defaultdict(float) for x in arr: with cuda.get_device_from_array(x) as dev: if x is not None: x = x.ravel() s = sq_sum[int(dev)] += s return sum([float(i) for i in six.itervalues(sq_sum)])
[docs]class CustomUpdater(training.StandardUpdater): """Custom updater for chainer. Args: train_iter (iterator | dict[str, iterator]): Dataset iterator for the training dataset. It can also be a dictionary that maps strings to iterators. If this is just an iterator, then the iterator is registered by the name ``'main'``. optimizer (optimizer | dict[str, optimizer]): Optimizer to update parameters. It can also be a dictionary that maps strings to optimizers. If this is just an optimizer, then the optimizer is registered by the name ``'main'``. converter (espnet.asr.chainer_backend.asr.CustomConverter): Converter function to build input arrays. Each batch extracted by the main iterator and the ``device`` option are passed to this function. :func:`chainer.dataset.concat_examples` is used by default. device (int or dict): The destination device info to send variables. In the case of cpu or single gpu, `device=-1 or 0`, respectively. In the case of multi-gpu, `device={"main":0, "sub_1": 1, ...}`. accum_grad (int):The number of gradient accumulation. if set to 2, the network parameters will be updated once in twice, i.e. actual batchsize will be doubled. """ def __init__(self, train_iter, optimizer, converter, device, accum_grad=1): """Initialize Custom Updater.""" super(CustomUpdater, self).__init__( train_iter, optimizer, converter=converter, device=device ) self.accum_grad = accum_grad self.forward_count = 0 self.start = True self.device = device logging.debug("using custom converter for transformer") # The core part of the update routine can be customized by overriding.
[docs] def update_core(self): """Process main update routine for Custom Updater.""" train_iter = self.get_iterator("main") optimizer = self.get_optimizer("main") # Get batch and convert into variables batch = x = self.converter(batch, self.device) if self.start: self.start = False # Compute the loss at this time step and accumulate it loss =*x) / self.accum_grad loss.backward() # Backprop self.forward_count += 1 if self.forward_count != self.accum_grad: return self.forward_count = 0 # compute the gradient norm to check if it is normal or not grad_norm = np.sqrt( sum_sqnorm([p.grad for p in]) )"grad norm={}".format(grad_norm)) if math.isnan(grad_norm): logging.warning("grad norm is nan. Do not update model.") else: optimizer.update() # Clear the parameter gradients
[docs] def update(self): """Update step for Custom Updater.""" self.update_core() if self.forward_count == 0: self.iteration += 1
[docs]class CustomParallelUpdater(training.updaters.MultiprocessParallelUpdater): """Custom Parallel Updater for chainer. Defines the main update routine. Args: train_iter (iterator | dict[str, iterator]): Dataset iterator for the training dataset. It can also be a dictionary that maps strings to iterators. If this is just an iterator, then the iterator is registered by the name ``'main'``. optimizer (optimizer | dict[str, optimizer]): Optimizer to update parameters. It can also be a dictionary that maps strings to optimizers. If this is just an optimizer, then the optimizer is registered by the name ``'main'``. converter (espnet.asr.chainer_backend.asr.CustomConverter): Converter function to build input arrays. Each batch extracted by the main iterator and the ``device`` option are passed to this function. :func:`chainer.dataset.concat_examples` is used by default. device (torch.device): Device to which the training data is sent. Negative value indicates the host memory (CPU). accum_grad (int):The number of gradient accumulation. if set to 2, the network parameters will be updated once in twice, i.e. actual batchsize will be doubled. """ def __init__(self, train_iters, optimizer, converter, devices, accum_grad=1): """Initialize custom parallel updater.""" from cupy.cuda import nccl super(CustomParallelUpdater, self).__init__( train_iters, optimizer, converter=converter, devices=devices ) self.accum_grad = accum_grad self.forward_count = 0 self.nccl = nccl logging.debug("using custom parallel updater for transformer") # The core part of the update routine can be customized by overriding.
[docs] def update_core(self): """Process main update routine for Custom Parallel Updater.""" self.setup_workers() self._send_message(("update", None)) with cuda.Device(self._devices[0]): # For reducing memory optimizer = self.get_optimizer("main") batch = self.get_iterator("main").next() x = self.converter(batch, self._devices[0]) loss = self._master(*x) / self.accum_grad loss.backward() # NCCL: reduce grads null_stream = cuda.Stream.null if self.comm is not None: gg = gather_grads(self._master) self.comm.reduce(,, gg.size, self.nccl.NCCL_FLOAT, self.nccl.NCCL_SUM, 0, null_stream.ptr, ) scatter_grads(self._master, gg) del gg # update parameters self.forward_count += 1 if self.forward_count != self.accum_grad: return self.forward_count = 0 # check gradient value grad_norm = np.sqrt( sum_sqnorm([p.grad for p in]) )"grad norm={}".format(grad_norm)) # update if math.isnan(grad_norm): logging.warning("grad norm is nan. Do not update model.") else: optimizer.update() self._master.cleargrads() if self.comm is not None: gp = gather_params(self._master) self.comm.bcast(, gp.size, self.nccl.NCCL_FLOAT, 0, null_stream.ptr )
[docs] def update(self): """Update step for Custom Parallel Updater.""" self.update_core() if self.forward_count == 0: self.iteration += 1
[docs]class VaswaniRule(extension.Extension): """Trainer extension to shift an optimizer attribute magically by Vaswani. Args: attr (str): Name of the attribute to shift. rate (float): Rate of the exponential shift. This value is multiplied to the attribute at each call. init (float): Initial value of the attribute. If it is ``None``, the extension extracts the attribute at the first call and uses it as the initial value. target (float): Target value of the attribute. If the attribute reaches this value, the shift stops. optimizer (~chainer.Optimizer): Target optimizer to adjust the attribute. If it is ``None``, the main optimizer of the updater is used. """ def __init__( self, attr, d, warmup_steps=4000, init=None, target=None, optimizer=None, scale=1.0, ): """Initialize Vaswani rule extension.""" self._attr = attr self._d_inv05 = d ** (-0.5) * scale self._warmup_steps_inv15 = warmup_steps ** (-1.5) self._init = init self._target = target self._optimizer = optimizer self._t = 0 self._last_value = None
[docs] def initialize(self, trainer): """Initialize Optimizer values.""" optimizer = self._get_optimizer(trainer) # ensure that _init is set if self._init is None: self._init = self._d_inv05 * (1.0 * self._warmup_steps_inv15) if self._last_value is not None: # resuming from a snapshot self._update_value(optimizer, self._last_value) else: self._update_value(optimizer, self._init)
def __call__(self, trainer): """Forward extension.""" self._t += 1 optimizer = self._get_optimizer(trainer) value = self._d_inv05 * min( self._t ** (-0.5), self._t * self._warmup_steps_inv15 ) self._update_value(optimizer, value)
[docs] def serialize(self, serializer): """Serialize extension.""" self._t = serializer("_t", self._t) self._last_value = serializer("_last_value", self._last_value)
def _get_optimizer(self, trainer): """Obtain optimizer from trainer.""" return self._optimizer or trainer.updater.get_optimizer("main") def _update_value(self, optimizer, value): """Update requested variable values.""" setattr(optimizer, self._attr, value) self._last_value = value
[docs]class CustomConverter(object): """Custom Converter. Args: subsampling_factor (int): The subsampling factor. """ def __init__(self): """Initialize subsampling.""" pass def __call__(self, batch, device): """Perform subsampling. Args: batch (list): Batch that will be sabsampled. device (chainer.backend.Device): CPU or GPU device. Returns: chainer.Variable: xp.array that are padded and subsampled from batch. xp.array: xp.array of the length of the mini-batches. chainer.Variable: xp.array that are padded and subsampled from batch. """ # For transformer, data is processed in CPU. # batch should be located in list assert len(batch) == 1 xs, ys = batch[0] xs = F.pad_sequence(xs, padding=-1).data # get batch of lengths of input sequences ilens = np.array([x.shape[0] for x in xs], dtype=np.int32) return xs, ilens, ys