About me
- Shigeki Karita (EN), 苅田 成樹 (JP)
- Tokyo, Japan
Basically distributed under BSL-1.0
D language
- grain: chainer/pytorch like statically typed dynamic neural network library (support both CPU & GPU)
- libmir/numir: numpy-like wrapper of ndslice in libmir
- d-nv: CUDA wrapper with Driver, NVRTC, and compile time type check for kernel functions
- d-svm: minimal implementation of support vector machines (SVM)
- d-ssvm: structural SVM implementation (WIP). born to be faster than PyStruct and LIBSVM
- d-tree: classification and regression tree (CART) implmentation for tree based statistical models (random forest, gradient boost).
- d-graphviz: Graphviz wrapper with simple DSL supports visualization of module dependencies.
- d-ffmpeg-light: ffmpeg wrapper using command line interface.
- ocaml-kaleido-llvm5: Kaleidoscope tutorial re-implementation with OCaml bindings of LLVM5.0 and menhir.
- cxx14_thread_pool: generic thread pool implementation with priority queue for C++14.
- CMakeExampleCUDA: example CMake project for CUDA/C++ integration.
- ESPnet: fastest seq2seq based speech recognition toolkit (Apache2.0). contributing to pytorch backend.